
Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask: “Where have I gone wrong?”
Then a voice says to me: “This is going to take more than one night."
~ Charles M. Schulz 

Contact Information

Dr. Angelo Valli

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Theoretical Physics
Budafoki út 8, 1111 Budapest (Hungary)
Office: F III. 1F 1

E-mail: valli [dot] angelo [at] ttk [dot] bme [dot] hu
Phone: +36-1-463-4126

Academic Experience


For a list of teaching activity, and experience with mentoring & supervision of students, see Teaching.


Academic degrees

*unique Latin honor and highest achievable grade in the Italian system, in contrast to e.g., the US system [source]

Online Courses (MOOCs)