
What does a School Counselor do?

I believe that a good school counselor aims to enhance student experience, voice, and most importantly self worth within the context of a schooling environment. By fostering a dynamic schooling ecosystem through communication, visibility, and meetings with all students. All good Counselors must root their practice in support from the American School Counseling Association. By following standards set by ASCA I am able to be an engaged counselor who aims to continually hone his craft in an ever evolving landscape.

Diversity and Inclusion

By following the Ethical Standards put in place by ASCA I believe the best practice is proactive in nature and are able to difficult conversations. The aim here is to support students by addressing issues both within school as well as the surrounding community. By incorporating a community based approach to conversations on diversity and inclusion I am able to be the best advocate for students and families within the area I am working within.


At the end of the day my role is to support all students and make sure that they are happy, healthy, and safe. Confidentiality is crucial in my practice because establishing trust and an open line of communication is what all good counselors must pride themselves on. It is important to understand that a break in confidentiality only occurs when a student is in harm or when they express that they want this information to be shared with another trusted adult. Confidentiality is key!

Helpful Links

ASCA Website:

New Jersey School Counseling Association:

Modern Counseling (Amazing video made by The Boston Globe):