Global Enrichment

Model United Nations

For four years, I've been a part of the Model UN team at Andover High School. As the team's President, it's been really nice seeing the growth of our club over the four years of my involvement, from its humble size and prowess during the COVID era to now barely being able to fit in one room during our Friday afternoon meetings. My favorite part about Model UN is competing at conferences, where we get to debate internationally pressing issues with delegates from all over the world. So far, I've won six individual awards and two delegation awards at Model UN conferences at Clark University, Tufts University, and Harvard University.

Hosting exchange students

When exchange students from Strasbourg, France, visited Andover in April 2024, I was excited to help out and host my previous French host at my home for a day & attend events with him as he completed the rest of his stay in Andover. For the two weeks the French exchange students were in Andover, it felt as if I were back in Strasbourg.

Global Summits

I was able to attend the 2022 and 2023 Global Summits. I remember the 2022 Global Summit's theme, preserving language and culture, felt very unique--linguistics is a field that I am interested in. We painted rocks, made leis, talked to peers about their trip to Hawai'i, and more.