
The Afternoon

We are starting our event by having as many crews as possible enjoying a gentle paddle and assembling on the Long Reach. Those that wish do can participate in some informal racing to amuse spectators on the towpath, before we all gather at the Cantabs Boathouse to enjoy an informal afternoon tea and share memories of Andy's exploits and achievements.

Arrival of rowers and coxes: by 1.30pm

Rowers and coxes are asked to arrive so that they are ready to take to the water by 1:30pm - earlier is fine! There will be hosts on site all afternoon to help direct visitors. You can change and leave bags in the changing room, then find your pre-arranged crew and boat from the Cantabs hard.

Assembly of Crews: ~2pm

Crews will assemble on the Long Reach, near Ditton Corner with bows pointing upstream, ready for photos, before paddling back up towards Cantabs.

Informal Racing: ~2.30pm

Crews that wish to can spin at the P&E and take part in some informal sparring on the Long Reach to impress (or amuse!) those on the towpath before returning to Cantabs!

Afternoon Tea, Boat Naming, Speeches: 3-5pm

Back at Cantabs we will serve refreshments, name a boat in Andy’s memory, drink a toast and share reminiscences. The formal commemoration event will conclude at approximately 5pm

Additional boat-naming: 5.30pm

For those who can stay later, or who can only join us later, we will be naming some additional boats. After the naming, all are welcome to join a group who will move on to The Haymakers, where the kitchen will be open until 9pm for those wishing to enjoy their pizzas and other hearty meals.