
Back when I was often mistaken for the nerd from sixteen candles

Taking one of Mr. Sax's inventions for a ride

About to perform some Dipasquale (before I knew about Marmaduke's wonderful straps)

Performing Whitney's 'Introduction and Samba' with the Tennessee-Martin Wind Ensemble

A young Andy performing in a quartet with guru Allen Rippe

With two of my major professors, Dr. Doug Owens and Allen Rippe following my senior recital

Performing Christian Lauba's 'Prelude to Vertigo' in a masterclass with Preston Duncan

A short cadenza which I put together for the 'Fuzzy Bird Sonata'. Can you tell which work I quoted?

Wind orchestra performance at Nevada-Las Vegas

Preparing for the young 'uns at Interlochen Arts Camp

My horn, a Pre EX Custom following a Roo Pad overhaul