Selected Research

I have a wide research interests in signal processing for wireless communication and sensing. My current main research focuses are on joint communication and sensing, radio sensing and pattern analysis, massive MIMO and high frequency (mmWave) systems, and vehicular networks. For details and my funded research, please refer to my university homepage.

Joint Communications and Radio/Radar Sensing 

Enable Joint Communication and Sensing (C&S) in Mobile Networks

In this research, we are developing key technologies to enable radio/radar sensing in mobile networks, without sacrificing the performance of communications. The single transmitted signals will be jointly optimized and used by C&S. 

PMN is expected to deliver a revolutionary ubiquitous radio sensing network that can significantly drive smart initiatives such as smart cities and smart transportation, integrated with enriched mobile communication. It will enable many new applications for which current sensing solutions are impractical or too costly.


This video shows our work on  localization and tracking using the received WiFi signals in a setup with standard commercial WiFi NIC (1 Tx antenna, 3 Rx antennas, 802.11n) installed in laptops. No fingerprint technique is used, and the system works by only requiring the relative position of the transmitter is known to the receiver.

Demo for Activity recognition.mp4

With the same setup, this video demonstrates our behaviour recognition system that can successfully detect several human behaviour including falling down.

Exploit powerful radar infrastructure to provide almost unparalleled communication links that current systems, such as VHF radio and satellite, can hardly provide. 

Embed information to conventional radar waveforms, such as pulsed and FMCW radar signals.

This video provides a short introduction to our work on integrating communication into frequency-hopping MIMO radar, by Dr. Kai Wu. 

Radio Sensing and Pattern Analysis

In this project, we investigate millimeter wave (mmWave) radar for sensing and tracking applications, such as integrated video and radio sensing, multi-object tracking, 3D skeloton construction, person ReID, and simultaneous rainfall density and river water-level-and-speed sensing.