Ethics, Policies, Disclaimer & Terms

At Andrew Tham Tarot, we respect and honour the cultural and religious diversity within our community. We understand that in a sensitive multi-racial Islamic country like Malaysia, it is essential to be mindful of the beliefs and values held by different individuals and communities.

Please note that Tarot, as a practice that can have diverse interpretations and applications, may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those within the Muslim community. Islam has its own established spiritual and religious practices, and it is important to adhere to and respect those practices.

We acknowledge that Tarot can be approached as a tool for personal insight, self-reflection, and contemplation, rather than solely as a divinatory practice. However, we understand that interpretations and perceptions may vary, and it is ultimately up to individuals to determine what aligns with their beliefs and cultural background.

We encourage individuals who follow the Islamic faith to consult with Islamic religious leaders or scholars for guidance on matters related to spirituality and personal development. They can provide appropriate advice based on Islamic teachings and principles.

Our Tarot reading services and Tarot workshop are strictly restricted to Non-Muslim participants. 

Our Tarot services are also intended for those who are open to exploring personal insights and self-reflection through the Tarot system. However, we respect the decisions of individuals who choose not to engage in Tarot practices due to their religious beliefs.

Should you have any concerns or questions about our services or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment for all individuals.

Thank you for taking the time to read through our comprehensive list, which contains all the information, benefits, and myths about Tarot and Tarot reading

If you still have any questions or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via the contact form on our website.

We are here to assist you and will do our best to provide timely and clear answers to all your inquiries.

If you're ready to experience the transformative power of Tarot, I warmly invite you to book a Tarot Empowerment Coaching session with me.

Whether you prefer a virtual or live in-person session, I offer both options at an affordable rate.

If you're eager to delve deeper into the world of Tarot Empowerment Coaching and become certified, I also offer a 2-day workshop. Please note that this Workshop is only meant for Non-Muslims.

To learn more about this exciting opportunity, check out the details on this page.

Take the next step towards self-discovery and empowerment by scheduling your session today.

Don't miss out on this chance to unlock your true potential.