On this page you can find a collection of OER resources that I have found to be valuable or that I have curated myself.

  • WebWork - The Mathematical Association of America's online homework platform. It is free to use and already has problems sets for many standard courses.

  • Active Calculus - Matthew Boelkins et. al. have curated three texts books (pre-calc, calculus, and multivariable calculus) with active learning in mind. Even better, there is already WebWork problems created and link right in the e-text!

  • Math in Society - Math in Society by David Lippman is an open source text designed for liberal arts, non-STEM math students. With 17 chapters and growing, Math in Society covers topics ranging from Voting and Apportionment to Fractals and Cryptography. They have also designed their own homework platform to get with the text.

I am also in the process of choosing a host page for resources I have created.