
Fall 2020

In Fall 2020, I taught supplementary material in a course, run by Petr Cintula, on mathematical logic at the Czech Technical University. In my sessions, I ran exercises and gave lectures on model theory and foundational/philosophical issues arising from incompleteness, undecidability, failures of categoricity, and related topics.

Teaching Experience

In Spring 2020, I taught parts of two courses. The first was an undergraduate/graduate seminar in logic at Charles University. The subject of my sessions was Relevant logic (in which we covered material about the systems R, E, TW, DJ, and B, and proofs of variable sharing, gamma admissibility, and the non-triviality of naive set theory). The second was an undergraduate course on Logic for Computer Science, and the subject of my sessions was proof theory (sequent calculi for intuitionistic and some substructural logics, cut admissibility, structurally free logic, and the correspondence between combinators and implication formulas). 

In Spring 2018, I taught Phil 2211Q at the Storrs campus of the Unviersity of Connecticut. This is a second course in logic, and the focus will be on first order classical and intuitionist logic from the standpoint of model theory and proof theory in the form of natural deduction and sequent calculus. The course also provides an introduction to enough set theory to rigorously study the model theory of these first order logics.

In Fall 2017, I taught Phil 1102: Philosophy and Logic, at UConn Hartford. This is an introduction to logic, and its applications in philosophy. The course covered propositional classical logic, as well as propositional LP, K3, and FDE, with an eye to paradoxes and modeling theories. I've also taught Phil 1102 in Summer 2015 and 2017 at UConn Storrs.

In Spring 2017 I taught two classes of Phil 1104: Philosophy and Social Ethics, at UConn Avery Point. This is an introduction to ethics, and the class covered some normative ethics, feminist ethics, metaethics, and a handful of topics in applied ethics.

In addition, I have been teaching assistant at UConn for 1102 thrice (Spring, Summer 2016 for Marcus Rossberg (four sections of 20 students each) and Fall 2014 for Michael Hughes) and for 1104  thrice (Spring, Fall 2015 for Paul Bloomfield (four sections each time) and Fall 2016 for Hallie Liberto (two sections)).