Term Limits for Congress

Our current representative for Congressional District 7 in Colorado is that he he has stated is that he is against term limits. Below is the letter he sent me recently on this topic:

Mr. Permutter is right that he and I probably agree on any number of issues, but on term limits we have a deep disagreement. 12 years is a good maximum limit for one person to hold an elected office. Term Limits U.S. has set that as a goal for congressional term limits at 12 years. I think the power of incumbency is a huge influence who runs and who doesn't. Congressman Perlmutter has served 12 years as our congressman from Congressional District 7 and is running for another term that will take him to 14 years of service. While I like Congressman Perlmutter and want to see him have an opportunity to serve.

One question here is:

Are term limits in line with our founding documents and the intentions of those who wrote them?

I think that term limits .... if worded correctly, such as limiting the number of consecutive years a person may serve are in line with our founding documents. Our founding fathers wanted involvement of statesment, but not necesarily a continuous government of the same individuals year in and out. This is very much up for debate just as many of our mondern interpretations of our beginnings of a nation are up to us to interpret.