André F. Silva
I am a Principal Economist at the Federal Reserve Board. My main research interests are financial intermediation and access to finance.
My papers have been published in leading academic journals such as the Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, and Review of Economics and Statistics, were presented at the NBER, AFA, WFA, SFS Cavalcade, and EFA, and have been widely cited in speeches by central bank governors and in the media, including by The Economist, Washington Post, New York Times, Financial Times, Bloomberg, Forbes, CNN, and CNBC.
Nov 2024: the paper "Defunding Controversial Industries: Can Targeted Credit Rationing Choke Firms?" was accepted for publication in the Journal of Financial Economics.
Oct 2024: updated paper - "Geopolitical Risk and Decoupling: Evidence from U.S. Export Controls".
Sep 2024: the paper "Retail CBDC: Implications for Banking and Financial Stability" was published in the Annual Review of Financial Economics and the paper "CBDC: Issues and Prospects" was published in the journal European Economy: Banks, Regulation and the Real Sector.
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