
Animals have the capability to behave adaptively in real environment. Our research goal is to understand mechanisms behind their adaptive motions and behaviors, which is an important subject in neuroscience and will also contribute to the development of autonomous robots behaving in the real environment. The mechanisms that we are focusing on are neuromuscular systems, biomechanical systems, and interactions between animals and the environment. Using insects as model animals, we are studying insect locomotion, behaviors, and decision making behind behavior selection.

1) Neuromuscular and biomechanical control of flapping flight

Insects perform sophisticated flight maneuvers, and their control designs have a tolerance to perturbations such as wing damage or turbulence. The coordinated wing movement is necessary for flight control and is generated by an interaction between the active control by neuromuscular systems and the passive properties of body mechanics. Therefore, we are focusing on the mechanical properties of musculoskeletal systems as well as the physiological properties of neuromuscular systems.

Research techniques: electrophysiology, telemetry, high-speed camera, laser morphometry, FEM, x-ray CT, neuroanatomy

2) Behavioral strategies for odor source localization

Odor source localization is a challenging task for autonomous robots but is a fundamental task for organisms to survive. We are studying insect behavioral strategies for successful and efficient localization to an odor source, employing an insect-driven mobile robot which is a useful platform acts as a future insect-mimetic robot.

Research techniques: spherical treadmill, insect-controlled robot, electroantennogram, robot, quad-copter

3) Behavioral strategies in dynamic environment

The natural environment is a complicated dynamic environment where static and moving objects are mixed. The adaptation to such an environment is an essential requirement for both insects and autonomous robots. In this study, we are focusing on how insects overcome the complexity of the environment and decide appropriate actions. Using a virtual reality theater, we are investigating insect behavioral responses to various combinations of static and/or dynamic objects.

Experiment movies of auditory virtual reality

Research techniques: virtual reality, spherical treadmill