
strong.valid.simple Application Configuration

AndHow is an easy to use configuration framework with strong typing and detailed validation for web apps, command line or any application environment.

Key Features

  • Strong Typing

  • Detailed validation

  • Simple to use

  • Use Java public & private to control configuration visibility

  • Validates all property values at startup to Fail Fast

  • Loads values from multiple sources (JNDI, env vars, prop files, etc)

  • Generate configuration sample files based on application properties

Questions / Discussion / Contact

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AndHow can be used in projects with Java 8 and above, however, Java 9 and above have some restrictions.

Simple usage example

package org.simple;


public class GettingStarted {


final static IntProp COUNT_DOWN_START = IntProp.builder().mustBeNonNull()

.desc("Start the countdown from this number")


private final static StrProp LAUNCH_CMD = StrProp.builder().mustBeNonNull()

.desc("What to say when its time to launch")


public String launch() {

String launch = "";


for (int i = COUNT_DOWN_START.getValue(); i >= 1; i--) {

launch = launch += i + "...";


return launch + LAUNCH_CMD.getValue();


public static void main(String[] args) {

GettingStarted gs = new GettingStarted();




From the code example above:

Section 1 : Declaring AndHow Properties

Properties must be final static, but may be private or any other scope. builder methods simplify adding validation, description, defaults and other metadata. Properties are strongly typed, so default values and validation are specific to the type, for instance, StrProp has regex validation rules for Strings while the IntProp has greater-than and less-than rules available.

Section 2 : Using AndHow Properties

AndHow Properties are used just like static final constants with an added .getValue() on the end to fetch the value. Strong typing means that calling COUNT_DOWN_START.getValue() returns an Integer while calling LAUNCH_CMD.getValue() returns a String.

How do I actually configure some values?

The example has default values for each property. With no other configuration available, invoking the main method uses the default values and prints: 3...2...1...GoGoGo! The simplest way to configure some other values would be to create a properties file named on your classpath, but don't do that quite yet - AndHow will create that file for you.

What happens if we remove one of the default values from the code above? Both properties must be non-null, so removing the default causes the validation rules to be violated at startup. Here is an excerpt of the console output when that happens:


Drat! There were AndHow startup errors. Sample configuration files will be written to: '/some_local_tmp_directory/andhow-samples/'



Property org.simple.GettingStarted.COUNT_DOWN_START: This Property must be non-null


AndHow throws a RuntimeException to stop application startup and uses property metadata to generate specific error messages and (helpfully) sample configuration files. Here is an excerpt of the generated properties file:

# ######################################################################

# Property Group org.simple.GettingStarted

# COUNT_DOWN_START (Integer) NON-NULL - Start the countdown from this number

# The property value must be greater than or equal to 1

org.simple.GettingStarted.COUNT_DOWN_START = [Integer]

# LAUNCH_CMD (String) NON-NULL - What to say when its time to launch

# The property value must match the regex expression '.*Go.*'

org.simple.GettingStarted.LAUNCH_CMD = [String]

AndHow uses the property metadata to create a detailed and well commented sample configuration file for your project. Insert some real values into that file and place it on your classpath at / and it will automatically be discovered and loaded at startup.

Thats it! To get started with AndHow, check out the Quick Start page.