Version History

Current Version: 0.4.1 (June 2 2021)

This larger update fixes several issues due to newer JVMs and the IntelliJ IDE.

Special thanks to first time contributor Vicky Ronnen for fixing Issue 497 - This bug made AndHow unusable for anyone using newer versions of IntelliJ.

Bug / Incompatibilities Fixes

  • Fixed #497 Compiling or using AndHow in recent IntelliJ version throws errors

  • Fixed #469 Eliminate compiler warnings about no specified Java language level

  • Fixed #491 Use the Generated annotation on generated classes

General Improvements

  • Fixed #257 to allow Windows builds to succeed (for building AndHow itself, not usage on Windows)

  • Fixed #306 to make Properties non-discoverable to better ensure 'privacy' of configuration properties.

  • Fixed #327 where Property values were never considered equal. This should not have affected anyone.

  • Fixed #377 to block and report an error if the AndHow initiation detects a loop (re-entrant)

  • Added Travis and CodeCoverage automation for better merge request and code quality

  • Huge improvement in test coverage. This mostly had no impact on actual code other than a few minor bugs that were discovered and fixed (listed separately)

  • Reorganized the Maven pom files and project structure.

  • Project cleanup and improvements to encourage more participation from the open source community.

  • Some unused constructors and methods were removed from internal classes. This should have no impact on users unless someone was subclassing or using internal classes.

  • Upgraded the Enforcer plugin and its configuration to better ensure successful builds.

  • Major JavaDoc improvements

  • Improved test coverage and light refactoring of the sample generation code.

Old: 0.4.0

The 0.4.0 version had been the stable release version for quite a while - It just wasn't updated as being the latest version in the release list.

0.5.0 (Next Major release - will require application updates due to API changes)

API changes that have potential to impact application code

  • Issue #404 Renamed AndHow.isInitialize to isInitialized. This is a public method, but very unlikely to be used by application code.

Last update of this list 10/15/2018