Andara Spa Products

Embark on a truly indulgent sensory journey with our meticulously curated collection of spa products.


Ceramic Burner (Large)
THB 950+

Ceramic Burner ( Small )
THB 650+

Essential Oil (30 ml.)
Calming Blended THB 650+
Energy Blended THB 620+
Harmony Blended THB 600+
Lavender THB 500+
Lemongrass THB 300+
Peppermint THB 400+
Signature THB 580+
Jasmine THB 400+

Candle Butter for Massage
THB 500+ 

Body Massage Oil (100 ml.)
Relaxing THB 500+
Balancing THB 500+
Refreshing THB 500+
Energizing THB 500+

Eye Pillow
THB 700+

Neck Pillow
THB 2,500+

Luk Pra Kub ( Thai Herbel Compress)
THB 300+

THB 300+