Call for papers


The presenters in the oral or poster sessions of the Andaluz.IA Forum must have developed part of their research career or academic studies in Andalusia, whether currently or in the past.

Call for Speakers

The call for speakers in the oral sessions aims at researchers who have published in top tier conferences or journals, preferably during 2024, and whose contributions are closely related to the theory or applications of artificial intelligence. Talks may focus on one or multiple papers.

We provide, as a reference, the publication venues and h5-index from works we would like to see presented at Andaluz.IA Forum: CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, ACL, ICASSP, INTERSPEECH, NeurIPS, COLING, CONLL, MICCAI, ISBI, MIDL, IPMI, CHIL, FAccT, WCCI, AAAI, IJCAI, ICLR, EMNLP, ICML, SIGIR, Recsys, ICRA, IROS, RSS, CORL, NAACL, SEPLN, RANLP, CHI, CAEPIA.

Call for Posters

The call for posters invites researchers who have a peer reviewed publication during 2023 or 2024, and whose contributions are closely related to the theory or applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep neural networks. The aim of the poster session is creating opportunities for discussion and networking between junior and senior researchers, both local or from overseas. Doctoral students are especially encouraged to submit their published work.

Contents of the presentation or poster

The contents of the presentations should cover the contents of the referred publications, but presenters are also encouraged to include related posterior work and discuss future research directions.

Selection criteria for presenters

The selection of the Andaluz.IA Forum speakers not only aims at high scientific quality, but also targets diversity from different perspectives, including gender, institutions and research groups, local and overseas speakers. As a consequence, excellent scientific contributions may not be included in the speaker’s program. In these cases, authors will be invited to present their work as a poster.

Important dates