Presentations and posters

Invited lectures, panels, and lightning talks

Brown, AN. American Society for Public Administration, March 2024. Panelist for "Peer-reviewed journals: Publishing from the practitioner perspective."

Brown, AN. InterAction and University of Notre Dame Keogh School of Global Affairs reception, October 2022. Invited remarks titled “Three challenges for locally led development.”

Brown, AN. Society for International Development – United States public event, June 2022. Interviewer/moderator for “States, Markets, and Foreign Aid: Author chat with Simone Dietrich.

Brown, AN. Yale University School of Public Health, Health Policy Management Colloquium in Health Services Research, April 2022. Seminar titled “North-South and gender co-authorship practices in an international research institution.”

Brown, AN. Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning annual conference, March 2022. Panelist for “Strengthening evidence use during the pandemic and beyond.” 

Brown, AN. Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-research and Open Science annual conference, November 2021. Lightning talk titled “North-South and gender co-authorship patterns in an international research institution.”

Brown, AN. FHI 360, February 2020. Designed and moderated public webinar How can social entrepreneurs and big international NGOs collaborate to bring innovations to scale?

Brown AN. Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning, London UK (as webinar), May 2020. Public lecture titled “Using social science theories to design and evaluate development programs”.

Brown AN. Metascience Meeting, Stanford University, Palo Alto CA, USA, September 2019. Oral presentation titled “Is replication research the study of research or researchers?”

Brown AN. Closing remarks for New Thinking in Health Systems Strengthening conference, Washington DC, USA, September 2019.

Brown AN. Learning from ASPIRES: Reality-driven economic strengthening for OVC and other vulnerable populations conference, Washington DC, USA, June 2019. Panel moderator.

Brown AN. Society for International Development – Washington Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA, May 2019. Lightning talk titled “Who should speak truth to power?

Brown AN and Whitton EK. Global Digital Health Forum, Washington DC, USA, December 2018. Lightning talk on "What is wrong with the evidence for m-health?"

Brown AN. Global Evidence and Implementation Summit, Melbourne, Australia, October 2018. Ignite talk on "How different are social scientists from public health researchers?".

Brown AN and Skelly HJ. MERL Tech 2018, Washington, DC, September 2018. Lightning talk on "Mapping the ICT4D evidence base: How much evidence is there really?"

Brown AN. MERL Tech 2018, Washington, DC, September 2018. Panelist for closing panel "Irresponsible innovation? Time for ICT4D to grow up and get its M&E house in order".

Brown AN. Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association annual meeting, Bar Harbor, Maine, June 2016. Plenary lecture titled “Is there such a thing as replication ethics?”

Brown AN. American Evaluation Association Conference, Chicago, USA, November 2015. Presidential strand invited presentation on “The pitfalls of going from pilot to scale”.

Conferences and seminars

Brown, AN. Unconference on Open Scholarship Practices in Education Research, March 2023. Panelist for “Translating open science best practices to non-academic settings.”

Brown, AN. Yale University School of Public Health, Health Policy Management Colloquium in Health Services Research, April 2022. Seminar titled “North-South and gender co-authorship practices in an international research institution.”

Brown AN. University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health, Chapel Hill NC, USA, February 2020. Seminar titled “Public health vs. social science”.

Brown AN. American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis MN, USA, November 2019. Workshop titled “Bring back theory to theory of change”.

Brown AN. American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis MN, USA, November 2019. Oral presentation titled "Social impact reporting at FHI 360" on panel titled "Renewing an organizational commitment learning and evidence-based decision making: Leading innovations in agency-level metrics".

Brown AN. Lessons Learned in Preventing and Responding to Atrocities: Organizing, Expanding, and Encouraging the Use of Policy-relevant Knowledge, Washington DC, USA, November 2019. Workshop organized by the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide. Expect on evidence translation and use and discussant for session "Encouraging application of knowledge in practice".

Brown AN. What Works Global Summit, Mexico City, Mexico, October 2019. Workshop titled “Bring back theory to theory of change”. Awarded prize for Best Workshop.

Brown AN and Wood BDK. What Works Global Summit, Mexico City, Mexico, October 2019. Workshop titled “Diagnostic approach to replication research”.

Brown AN and Sheih J. What Works Global Summit, Mexico City, Mexico, October 2019. Oral presentation titled “Small team rapid evidence review”.

Brown AN. What Works Global Summit, Mexico City, Mexico, October 2019. Poster Session Chair, conference day 2.

Brown AN and Wood BDK. Scientific Integrity Workshop, University of Canterbury, Christ Church, New Zealand, October 2018. Oral presentation titled "Which tests, not witch hunts: A diagnostic approach to conducting replication research".

Brown AN and Skelly HJ. Global Evidence and Implementation Summit, Melbourne, Australia, October 2018. Oral presentation titled "What ICT4D interventions work to improve economic growth in L&MICs: a rapid review of impact evaluations".

Brown AN. Global Evidence and Implementation Summit, Melbourne, Australia, October 2018. Oral presentation titled "A practitioner’s tool for critical appraisal of randomized assignment and quasi-experimental program evaluations".

Brown AN and Skelly HJ. USAID/Kenya and East Africa Regional Mission, Nairobi, Kenya, June 2018 and United States International University - Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, June 2018. Research seminar presentation titled “What ICT4D interventions work to improve economic growth outcomes in L&MICs? A rapid review of impact evaluations”.

Brown AN and Skelly HJ. Information and Communications Technology for Development Conference, Lusaka, Zambia, May 2018. Oral presentation titled “What ICT4D interventions work to improve economic growth outcomes in L&MICs? A rapid review of impact evaluations”. 

Brown AN. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, November 2017. Workshop presentation titled “Bring back theory to theory of change”. 

Wood BDK, Müller R, and Brown AN. O3S: Open Scholarship for the Social Sciences Symposium, College Park, Maryland, October 2017. Oral presentation titled “Push button replication: Is impact evaluation evidence for international development verifiable?” 

Brown AN. Global Evidence Summit, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2017. Poster presentation titled “Digital and data for development: Does the evidence match the hype?” 

Sabet SM, Heard AC, Neilitz S, and Brown AN. Global Evidence Summit, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2017. Oral presentation titled “Using science, technology, innovation and partnerships to accelerate development outcomes: Identifying priorities for new evidence generation and synthesis”. 

Brown AN and Wood BDK. What Works Global Summit, London, England, September 2016. Workshop presentation titled “Verifying the next big idea: Replication’s role in development policymaking”. 

Brown AN and Wood BDK. What Works Global Summit, London, England, September 2016. Oral presentation titled “Eyes wide open: The challenges of changing the replication culture”. 

Miranda J, Sabet S, and Brown AN. What Works Global Summit, London, England, September 2016. Oral presentation titled “Is impact evaluation still on the rise: Recent trends in the evidence base for development”. 

Sabet SM, Heard AC, and Brown AN. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2016. Oral presentation titled “Science, technology, innovation, and partnerships”. 

Heard AC, Peterson K, Modi S, Esper H, Calvo F, and Brown AN. International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 2015. Poster presentation titled “Integration of HIV services with other services to improve linkage to care, retention, and adherence: a scoping paper”. 

Djimeu EW and Brown AN. International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 2015. Poster presentation titled “Identifying interventions to increase the uptake of male circumcision in Southern and Eastern Africa: Evidence from seven impact evaluation studies”. 

Heard AC, Cowen F, Dufour MK, Padian N, and Brown AN. International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 2015. Poster presentation titled “Combining implementation science and impact evaluation: A win-win for policy relevance and decision making”. 

Brown AN. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 2015. Demonstration presentation titled “Evidence gap maps: An innovative tool for seeing what we know and what we don’t”. 

Brown AN and Wood BDK. Experiments in Governance and Politics Meeting, Berlin, Germany, May 2015. Oral presentation titled “Eyes wide open: The challenges of changing the replication culture”. 

Brown AN. Fragility, Conflict, and Violence Forum, World Bank, Washington, DC, April 2015. Oral presentation titled “Evidence for peacebuilding: Scoping”. 

Brown AN. WHO Satellite Session on HIV Self-testing, International AIDS Conference, Melbourne, Australia, July 2014. Oral presentation titled “Five studies on HIV self-testing in Kenya: What we learned from and about formative research”. 

Brown AN, Slavchevska V, and Mishra A. Experiments in Governance and Politics Meeting, London, England, May 2013. Oral presentation titled “The impact of public information on the electoral behaviour of citizens and the decision-making of politicians in developing countries: A systematic review”. 

Samii C and Brown AN. United Kingdom Department for International Development Governance Workshop, London, England, September 2011; 3ie Delhi Seminar Series, New Delhi, India July 2011; 3ie Mind the Gap Impact Evaluation Conference, Cuernavaca, Mexico, June 2011; U.S. State Department Annual Conference on Program Evaluation, Washington, DC, June 2011. Oral presentation titled “Evaluating stabilization interventions”. At U.S. State Department poster presentation titled “Evaluating security interventions”. 

Samii C and Brown AN. U.S. State Department Annual Conference on Program Evaluation, Washington, DC, June 2011. Workshop presentation titled “An introduction to systematic review methodology and a systematic review of programs to promote social cohesion”. 

Brown AN. Allied Social Sciences Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 2009. Oral presentation titled “Measuring the impact of technical assistance projects”. 

Brown AN. Recent Economic Trends and Growth Prospects, AIPRG Conference at the World Bank, Washington, DC, January 2003. Oral presentation titled “Tax policy and poverty in Armenia”. 

Brown AN and Brown JD. Midwest Economics Association Meetings, Nashville, March 1999; University of Illinois seminar, February 1999; Association of Comparative Economic Studies session at ASSA meetings, New York City, January 1999. Oral presentation titled “The transition of market structure in Russia: Economic lessons and implications for competition”. 

Brown AN and Brown JD. CEPR and WDI 4th Annual International Conference on Transition Economics in Beijing, China, July 1999. Oral presentation titled “The transition of market structure in Russia and implications for competition”. 

Brown AN and Mazare I-R. CERGE-EI - World Bank Conference on Labour Market Adjustment and Restructuring During Transition in Sinaïa, Romania, April 1999. Oral presentation titled “Manager turnover and managerial labor markets in Romania”. 


Invited presentations or trainings at the following organizations for 3ie (2010 – 2016)

World Health Organization, UNICEF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, Asian Development Bank, MasterCard Foundation, Canadian International Development Agency, Millennium Challenge Corporation, United States Agency for International Development, United States Department of State, Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Peru), Vice Presidency (Ecuador), Secretariat for National Planning and Development (Ecuador), Department of National Planning (Columbia), Poverty Eradication Unit (Fiji), Ministry of Community Development and Mother and Child Health (Zambia), Ministry of Health (Tanzania), MacArthur Foundation, United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, Save the Children, International Rescue Committee, African Development Bank, United States Institute of Peace, World Bank, International Food Policy Research Institute, Center for Strategic and International Studies, United Kingdom Department for International Development, Perkins International, Center for Global Development, David & Lucile Packard Foundation, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, United Nations University, Alliance for Peacebuilding, Experiments in Governance and Politics, and United Nations Population Fund.