Blog posts

Bashyal, K and Brown AN. How often are local authors the lead on health research conducted in LMICs? 2022 June 28. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN and Harik, C. Behavior change using social norms: Does the popular opinion leader intervention work in low- and middle-income countries? 2021 May 19. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360 [Available at: Behavior change using social norms: Does the popular opinion leader intervention work in LMICs? | R&E Search for Evidence ( ]

Brown, AN. The evidence base for social norms-based approaches to reduce intimate partner violence in LMICs. 2021 February 1. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN and Shieh, J. School-based physical activity and diet interventions can be effective for addressing obesity in children in LMICs: Evidence from systematic reviews. 2020 November 13. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN and Shieh, J. What evidence is there for interventions to address the dual burden of malnutrition? A rapid review. 2020 October 13. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. An approach to rapid evidence review and what we learned when we piloted it. 2020 September 30. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Book review: Diversity, Violence, and Recognition – How recognizing ethnic identity promotes peace by King and Samii. 2020 July 17. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Book review: Peace through Entrepreneurship by Steven Koltai. 2020 March 17. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. What’s wrong with the evidence for mHealth? 2020 February 20. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN with Whitton, K. Public health vs. social science research: Do publication lags matter? 2019 December 18. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN with Whitton, K. Public health vs. social science research: How does authorship differ? 2019 December 6. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Hey Jude: A book review of The Business of Changing the World by Raj Kumar. 2019 July 25. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Some good news in evidence for peacebuilding. 2019 June 25. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Shieh, J, White, C and Brown AN. R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Find out what a study's unintended consequence means to me. 2019 May 23. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Do I write like a girl? New evidence on gendered outcomes in grant proposal writing and scoring. 2019 May 16. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. What's in a cell? How to read an evidence map with a digital identity example. 2019 April 29. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. A map of the evidence base for ICT4D interventions shows what we don't know. 2019 April 24. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Book review: Lean Impact by Ann Mei Chang (and thoughts on science and the scientific method). 2019 February 1. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Is the evidence we use in international development verifiable? Push button replication provides the answer. 2019 January 7. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. How to conduct a replication study: What not to do. 2018 November 14. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. Cross posted in The Replication Network Guest Blogs. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. How to conduct a replication study: Which tests not witch hunts. 2018 October 31. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. Cross posted in The Replication Network Guest Blogs. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. We should be able to evaluate interventions for the disabled. 2018 June 29. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:

Brown, AN. How fast is rapid? What I learned about rapid reviews at the Global Evidence Summit. 2017 November 13. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Five things you can do today to participate in open scholarship. 2017 October 30. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Evidence in a post-truth world from Global Evidence Summit. 2017 October 12. In R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. What I learned about evidence networks at the Global Evidence Summit. 2017 October 4. In: R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Big data and data analytics: I do not think it means what you think it means. 2017 June 5. In: R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Why should practitioners publish their research in journals. 2017 April 18. In: R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. How many scientific facts are there about science, innovation, and technology for development? 2017 March 24. R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. Also in: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Learning about focus groups from an RCT. 2017 March 13. In: R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Null results should produce answers, not excuses. 2017 January 18. In: R&E Search for Evidence. Washington, DC: FHI 360. [Available at:]

Heard, AC and Brown, AN. Is HIV self-testing passing the test? 2016 August 23. In: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Miranda, J, Sabet, S, and Brown, AN. Is impact evaluation still on the rise? 3ie’s fully updated impact evaluation repository helps track key trends. 2016 August 11. In: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Brown, AN and Wood, BDK. What’s first for replication studies is what’s next for 3ie’s replication programme. 2016 July 28. In: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Let’s bring back theory to theory of change. 2016 April 19. In: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. The pitfalls of going from pilot to scale, or why ecological validity matters. 2016 April 4. In: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Brown, AN and Djimeu, EW. Seven impact evaluations on demand creation for VMMC: How a focused thematic window can meet multiple evidence needs. 2015 November 30. In: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Wood, BDK and Brown, AN. What 3ie is doing in the replication business. 2015 October 15. In: Guest Blogs. The Replication Network. [Available at:]

Brown, AN and Wood, BDK. How scientific are scientific replications? A response by Annette N. Brown and Benjamin D.K. Wood. 2015 January 25, 2015. In: Development Impact. Washington, DC: World Bank. [Available at:]

Brown, AN and Wood, BDK. How to peer review replication research. 2015 January 7. In: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Djimeu, EW and Brown, AN. Demand creation for voluntary medical male circumcision: How can we influence emotional choices. 2014 December 1. In: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Brown, AN and Wood, BDK. When is an error not an error? 2014 January 15. In: Development Impact. Washington, DC: World Bank. Also in: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Heard, AC and Brown, AN. The HIV/AIDS treatment cascade: Where are we getting it right. 2013 December 1. In: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Cameron, DB and Brown, AN. Shining a light on the unknown knowns. 2013 September 18. In: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]

Brown, AN. Building peace with impact evaluations. 2011 August 8, 2011. In: Evidence Matters. New Delhi, India: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. [Available at:]