
Inner Castanor

1.  Castellyr (Going to be reworked?)

Count's League (Going to be reworked?)

5. Unguldavor (Going to be reworked?)

Dostanor/Daravan's Folly/Ourdia


4. Dostanor (Going to be reworked?)

Ourdia (Going to be reworked?)


Escanni War of Consolidation Formables

(own Castonath area, >100 provinces in Castanor regions)


Black Demesne

Adventurer Formables

10. Esthíl (Order of Iron Scepter adventurers)

11. Elikhand (New Wanderers adventurers)

12. Corintar (Corintar adventurers)

13. Rogieria (Sons of Dameria adventurers)

14. Newshire (Small Fellows adventurers)

15. Hammerhome (Iron Hammers adventurers)

16. Ravenmarch (Raven Banner adventurers)

17. Luciande (Company of the Thorn adventurers)

18. Covenblad (Sword Covenant adventurers)