96% of attendees agreed that this event has made them more excited about pursuing their chosen career path (medical, dental, etc).

 95% of attendees said that this event increased their sense of belonging in a pre-health community.

97% of attendees said that this event increased their confidence when engaging with medical problem-solving.

91% of attendees said this event made them more confident in their ability to seek resources and/or mentorship in their pre-health journey.

100% of medical student volunteers said that this event made them feel more comfortable in their ability to teach and interact with others in an educational setting.


"I loved being able to ask any question ... It was a really welcoming environment and even though I have very little experience with anatomy and hands-on labs, I still felt included/my questions weren't brushed off."

-Student Attendee Fall 2023

"I thought the best part of the event was the opportunities we got to speak with both Dr. Self and the other medical students about their experiences in their respective fields. It was especially useful to me, as a pre-medical student myself, to hear about how different each of the volunteers' journeys to and through medical school have been"

-Student Attendee Fall 2023

"As someone who has never done anything like this, I enjoyed so much of it. I felt like I learned a lot and got a better understanding of what it’s like to be in healthcare!"

-Student Attendee Spring 2023

"It felt so special to see a whole body cadaver. In many classes we have access to organs but I think a lot of us see the whole body cadaver as an opportunity entirely withheld for medical students. It was so fascinating! I also found [every medical student to be] so deeply kind and everyone was perfectly picked for this event."

-Student Attendee Spring 2024

"I loved getting to put what I’ve learned in the intro bio series into solving problems that I actually am interested in. Plus everyone was so knowledgeable!"

-Student Attendee Spring 2024