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If you are looking for a certain thing which makes you feel truly content from inside out? If you want to know, what’s stopping you from living the life you want to live? If you want to laugh so much for no reason? If you want clarity about your life that people will enjoy? And if you are searching for authentic happiness, love, and peace, then this book is for you. Every lesson of this book “Wisdom of Soul” encourage you to connect to your inner wisdom. Once you open this book and embrace the wisdom of your soul, there is no turning back. This book shares awe-inspiring stories of healing and wisdom experienced by real people just like you. Every lesson enables you to think in new ways and help you to see from a different perspective. If you are courageous enough to take the first step, you can be sure that the final destination will be love.

“Anand Ravi” author of this book “Wisdom of Soul”, lovingly presents life-transforming soul wisdom that inspires you to live a life of authentic happiness in the here and now by using practical real-life virtues such as kindness and love. Your constant reading makes you feel the joy of heaven in here. You'll discover guides and higher beings of love to provide instruction and warm encouragement. No matter what kinds of issues you're struggling within your life. Be brave enough to listen to the call of your soul. I believe the world is full of wisdom, and I hope you are smart enough to pay attention and acquire some part of it. Its purpose is to grow in grace and knowledge, to love, to be pure and faithful. I desire to reach the world of the needy, whether it be a spiritual need, mental need, or emotional need, and to takes you once again into the heart of the spirit world.

This book provides deep spiritual insights and lessons that will make you able to relate to the powerful wisdom. It may be influencing your current life. This book gives you great lessons, few of them are:

« You will be proud of you and yours’ will just want to be with you.

« You will have better relationships and parenting.

« Your soul with dreams meets a mate with vision.

« It makes you able to transform your weakness into a strength.

« You will have the depth knowledge of sexuality.

« You will have the genetic information about God.

« It will make you strong enough to kill your fear by hope.

« The way to leave this body.

This book will shape who you are for the better, and it’ll make you a kinder, less selfish, inspirational, compassionate, unstoppable, memorable and humble human being. Every lesson gives some specific solution to some of the most common challenges faced by people in the modern world, and learn fascinating details about:

« Power of insight.

« The gratitude for greatness.

« The inner voice.

« The mindset and attitude.

« Higher education.

« Peaceful soul.

« Being in the moment.

« Own your own happiness.

« Relationships.

« Be your best self.

« Live life before die.

« Inside death.

After reading “Wisdom of Soul”, you will gain a better understanding of the immortality of your soul. You will meet every day challenges with a greater sense of purpose. You will begin to understand the reasons behind every event happening in your own life.

“Wisdom of Soul” is a life-changing self-help book.
