I’m so excited that you found yourself right here that you’ve come to be a part of our community, and you’re opening up to the life changing transformation and tools that you will find here the message in a powerful and impactful way. So that I could share what I’ve learned along my journey of transformation with you, so that you can experience your own unique transformation and create a life that’s barely recognizable to you, and more than anything, so that you can have the kind of impact that you are capable of having in this world, because the world needs to hear your voice and your message. You have the power to change your own life and to drastically impact the world with your words, with your voice, with your message.

Anand Ravi is an entrepreneur, international speaker, author, and mentor. He born in 1995 in India. Anand always listens to his own voice and soul instead of the world’s noise.

His life has been a mixture of happiness, and sadness, it is not perfect, but it’s beautiful. He has tested the courage, strength, weaknesses, faith, and many emotions, which helped him to develop a peaceful mind with an awesome level of listening, thinking, and observing capacity.

Yet with grace, forbearance, and understanding, his life’s journey became his as well, and through long dark shadows of fear, ignorance and various obstacles of his own creative startups, he managed to reach for the source of light beyond his shadow’s cast. His hopes and dreams, shone within him, dispelling the darkness that hides his humanity which he in common hold in trust.

Now, Anand is back and playing big again, and he wants you to as well with the Play Big Movement. It’s time to shed the limitations that have stopped you in the past. It’s time to play big, master your money and time and create maximum impact.

We are committed to helping you do things that you’ve never done before but you really deserve it, so that you can get results that you’ve never got before, and create the life and impact that you’ve always dreamed of. We are helping you to turn your dream into reality.

Here you’ll have unconditional love to love you no matter what, to love you through the difficult times, and to love you to the highest version of yourself.