Venture Cube

6 Elements of the Venture Cube

Detailed analysis to follow.

Educational Technology Market

The educational technology market is a relatively recent phenomenon as they only launched in 2023 but has rapidly accelerated to a multi-billion dollar industry. 

According to the International Trade Association "The EdTech market is highly attractive in terms of its size and growth rate. According to Grand View Research, the global market in 2020 was estimated to be worth $89.49 billion (USD) and is projected to grow at compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.9% from 2021 to 2028" (2024). 

Although there are many players in this game, Classroomscreen has held their own and managed to keep educators coming back for more. 

A Web-Based Customizable Template Platform

This product is a web-based template platform that aims to improve classroom productivity and engagement. 

The 20+ customizable widgets can be arranged for the easiest access and aim to engage students in their learning with everything from timers and polls to QR codes and stickers. 

It is a one-stop shop for all of your teaching needs.

Educational Professionals

The buyers in this context are mostly within the education market, although this platform is applicable to many other industries as well. This includes teachers, instructors, and educational institutions. 

There are options for schools to oversee all of their group statistics and how best to support their teachers with training and technical support if necessary. 

You can use this product without signing up, although you cannot save your templates. Otherwise, you register for an account and can use the basic version with minimal possibilities for saving your work or you can buy a pro account and save countless templates for future use.

Used in over 180 Countries and Growing

This product is used in more than 180 countries, has more than 1 million registered users, and has more than 160,000 daily users, according to their website. 

This tool is so far-reaching because other than the website itself, everything is done by the user and most of it does not involve words. It is extremely visual and user-friendly so even those most fearful of technology will feel capable of greatness.

A Relatively New Company that has Established Themselves is constantly listening to their users for what widgets and tools they would like to see in this product. 

There are currently features in development to collaborate with others in your school as well as adding pre-made templates for brain breaks and other activities. 

These updates are simply one of the ways that Classroomscreen is keeping up with the demand in the market and will be encouraging users to upgrade to the Pro Plan without changing their initial product that so many love to use.

A Growing EdTech Market

There are many other players in this market and Classroomscreen is not necessarily deemed favourable in the U.S. Market where the most products are being developed and sold, there is an increasing demand all around the globe for quality and accessible educational technology tools. 

You can see some of their competitors and how they fare in the rankings on this website. There is little data on this company as they are so new in this space just in 2023 so it is believed that they have only just begun in their journey. 

Find their competitors here: