About me

I am a Senior Research Fellow (Ramón y Cajal) at the University of Barcelona and a visiting fellow at the Sustainable Places Institute at Cardiff University.

My research interests revolve mainly around sustainable agri-food systems and food security, having developed most of my work in European countries and Latin America. I started my research career tackling aspects of sustainable rural development, looking at farmers' strategies, collective action and the dynamics of alternative food networks. These food networks allowed me to analyse urban and rural linkages, leading me to integrate urban food into my research portfolio. I am also interested in governance and justice, having conducted studies with social movements and more recently analyzing the emergence and evolution of urban food strategies. Engagement is also central to my research work, being involved in participatory-action research with civil society organisations and public institutions in Europe and Latin America, such as the Sustainable Food Cities network in the UK.

I actively participate in a range of local, national and international partnerships with the aim to understand better our food system in order to change it!

Contact: ana.moragues(at)ub.edu

Twitter: @anamoraguesf