Bluejay Beat

what MHS reads

Write what America, or at least MHS, reads!  Become a Bluejay Beat journalist!  Fill out the form linked here if you're interested and see Mrs. Raddatz so we can send you an invitation to a meeting.

The Bluejay Beat is published via pdf to Merrill High School eevery other week by the Beat staff who collaborate through Google Classroom, Canva, and meet regularly during 4th Flex Period in Room 244. 

The Executive Editor is Tricia Detert. 

Columnists are Isabel Wendt, Maya Paulus, Sarah Rell, Erik Mann, Maria Malinowski, 

Jazi Severt, and Adison Clark. 

The Managing Editor is Amy Raddatz. 

News Contributors are MHS Faculty and Staff. 

The Publisher is Wendy Arndt.