Computational Topology: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications

July 23-24, 2024

Special session of the 2nd edition of the "AMS-UMI International Joint Meeting

July 23-26, 2024 - Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy

"Computational Topology: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications" is a special session scheduled for July 23-24 within the 2nd edition of the "AMS-UMI International Joint Meeting".

Computational topology is by now a well-established field at the crossover of topology and computational geometry. It aims to transfer the power of topology for qualitative analysis to the setting of discrete approximations. Because finite data sets may be sampled from continuous underlying objects, computational topology involves not only discrete objects (such as pixelized images or finite meshes) but also an analysis of the transition between continuous and discrete. The development of this field has followed three distinct, but tightly intertwined directions: the investigation of the mathematical foundations of the subject, the quest for creating higher-performance algorithms, and the paths for new applications that those tools have opened. 

The goal of this special session is two-fold. On the one hand, we want to valorize those three directions for their own importance. On the other hand, we intend to bring together well-established researchers and early-career mathematicians, enhancing the exchange of ideas and promoting collaborations between different communities.

The special session will be introduced by a welcoming presentation by Nicolò Zava on behalf of the organizers.

Confirmed speakers

Clemens Bannwart (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Ulrich Bauer (Technical University of Munich)

Bruno Benedetti (University of Miami)

Håvard Bakke Bjerkevik (University at Albany)

Robyn Brooks (University of Utah)

Thomas Chaplin (University of Oxford)

Patrizio Frosini (University of Bologna)

Barbara Giunti (University at Albany)

Maria Antonietta Pascali (ISTI-CNR)

Matteo Pegoraro (Aalborg University)

Jose Perea (Northeastern University)

Érika Roldán Roa (Max Planck Institute)

Stefania Sardellitti (Universitas Mercatorum Rome)

Nicholas Scoville (Ursinus College)

Francesca Tombari (Max Planck Institute)

Francesco Vaccarino (Polytechnic University of Turin)

Žiga Virk (University of Ljubljana)

Bei Wang (University of Utah)

Lori Ziegelmeier (Macalester College)

Organizing Committee

Henry Adams (University of Florida)

Claudia Landi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Nicolò Zava (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, ISTA) - nicolo.zava(at)

For those who may be interested, we highly recommend considering the special session on related topics, "Discrete and Combinatorial Algebraic Topology, Theory and Applications", which will be held on the following two days, July 25-26. 

We refer to the official website for further information about the conference, the venue and the registration. On Tuesday, May 21st, the number of registered participants was 950. To manage logistics, the organisers need to cap the number of participants to 1,000: registration will be closed as soon as this threshold is reached.