Discrete and Combinatorial
Algebraic Topology,
Theory and Applications
Special Session B16, AMS-UMI 2nd Joint Meeting
July 25-26, 2024
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Palermo, Italy
Extending techniques from algebraic topology to discrete and combinatorial objects such as graphs and finite posets has recently generated an increased amount of interest from researchers working in a variety of areas of mathematics. Several different parts of algebraic topology have undergone at least a partial ‘discretization’ so far, the most notable being homotopy theory, Morse theory, and sheaf theory, and efforts to make the discrete theories more complete are ongoing. The work has already found numerous applications, including to hyperplane arrangements, dynamical systems, geometric group theory, coarse geometry, configuration spaces, distributed computing, graph colorings, and digital imaging, as well as to network and data analysis. The goal of this session is to bring together researchers who are currently working in discrete algebraic topology and topological combinatorics with researchers who work in closely related areas in order to expand the mathematical applications of discrete-algebraic-topological techniques and disseminate recent developments in the field.
Henry Adams (University of Florida)
Eric Babson (University of California Davis)
Luigi Caputi (Università di Bologna)
Carina Curto (Penn State)
Alessio D’Alì (Politecnico di Milano)
Emanuele Delucchi (SUPSI)
Marek Filakovský (Masaryk University)
Florian Frick (Carnegie Mellon University)
Bennett Goeckner (University of San Diego)
Kristóf Huszár (TU Graz)
Sadok Kallel (American University of Sharjah/Université de Lille)
Caroline Klivans (Brown University)
Giuliamaria Menara (Universtià degli studi di Trieste)
Nikola Milicevic (Penn State)
Roberto Pagaria (Università di Bologna)
Emily Roff (University of Edinburgh)
Mario Salvetti (Università di Pisa)
Volkmar Welker (Universität Marburg)
Federico Vigolo (University of Göttingen)
Lorenzo Venturello (Università di Siena)
*to be confirmed
Organizing Committee
Bruno Benedetti (University of Miami)
Anton Dochtermann (Texas State University)
Chris Kapulkin (University of Western Ontario)
Giovanni Paolini (Università di Bologna)
Antonio Rieser (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C.)
We also recommend the related special session, "Computational Topology, Foundations and Algorithms", which will be held on the previous two days, July 23-24.
Please see the official conference website for further information about the meeting, venue, and registration.