Twins by Mike Ciccotello


A boy who plays everything from leap frog to piano duets with his twin brother loves being a twin, even when they disagree.

Not My Circus by Janet Sumner Johnson


Olivia was supposed to buy eggs at the store, but instead she came home with a circus; despite food fights and a lack of potty training, Olivia is determined to keep her animals--even after Mr. Victor changes his mind and wants them back.

Zombies Don't Eat Veggies by Megan Lacera


Although Mo's parents insist he eat zombie cuisine, Mo craves vegetables and strives to get them to taste recipes made from his hidden garden.

I Won't Eat That by Christopher Silas Neal


Cat is very hungry. But cat food is dry and dull and not at all yummy. So what in the world should Cat eat instead? Turtle eats worms, but worms are too wiggly. Fox eats rabbits, but rabbits are too bouncy. What everyone else loves to eat is thoroughly unappetizing to Cat. Until, by chance, the thing Cat really wants to eat appears right in front of him. What could it be?

Unicornio se cree genial by Bob Shea


A la cabra que nos narra esta historia las cosas le iban razonablemente bien. Hasta que llegó Unicornio. Se ha convertido en el centro de atención ...¿Y qué si puede volar o hacer que lluevan magdalenas? ¿De verdad es tan asombroso que pueda convertir las cosas en oro? Cabra cree que no hay para tanto. Ella también sabe hacer cosas. Cosas como... Bob Shea ha escrito e ilustrado una divertidísima historia de unicornios (y cabras) que hará desternillarse de risa a los más pequeños.

There Must be More Than That! by Shinsuke Yoshitake


Troubled because her brother has told her that the future of Earth is bleak, a little girl goes to her grandmother who assures her that there are many possible futures and encourages her to use her imagination to explore some of the alternatives.