Shipwreckers: The Curse of the Cursed Temple of Curses Or, We Nearly Died. A Lot. by Scott Peterson


When Dani and her big brother Mike find themselves aboard the ill-fated river expedition of careless adventurer, Captain Kevin, they must work together to save themselves and the captain from all manner of deadly trials and traps. Complete with treacherous temples, ancient idols, and plenty of explosions, Shipwreckers is a big adventure that brings humor along for a dangerous and thrilling ride up the Amazon. In a place where laughter meets non-stop action, you'll find Shipwreckers and its cast of soon-to-be fan-favorite characters.

Monster Mayhem by Christopher Eliopoulos


In this funny, action-packed graphic novel adventure, a science-obsessed girl finds herself in the middle of one of her favorite monster movies. Can she invent her way out of disaster while also saving the monster who has become her friend?

Shaking Up the House by Yamile Saied Méndez


The outgoing First Daughters play a prank on their incoming counterparts, sparking an epic prank war.

Real Pigeons Splash Back by Andrew McDonald


The Real Pigeons, crime-fighting heroes that are ready for anything, wonder who will protect them when they don't know how to swim.

Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie of Doom by Matthew Swanson


Eight-year-old Ben takes a fortune cookie literally, and believing he has only one day left to live, tries to do everything he has always wanted to before nightfall.

Los tipos malos en combustible intergaláctico by Aaron Blabey


En esta hilarante serie ilustrada de libros de capítulos, los chicos malos están haciendo buenas obras ... ¡lo quieras o no! La mala noticia es que el mundo se va a acabar. ¡La buena es que los tipos Malos están aquí para salvarlo! Puede ser que tengan que "pedir prestado" un cohete, y que haya algo desagradable en uno de los trajes espaciales, y que el Sr. Piraña haya comido demasiados burritos. Sobrevivir a esta misión puede ser solo un pequeño paso para el hombre, pero es un paso enorme para los Tipos Malos. ¿Las malas noticias? El mundo se acaba. ¿Las buenas noticias? ¡Los Bad Guys han vuelto para salvarlo! Claro, podrían tener que "pedir prestado" un cohete. Y puede haber algo desagradable en uno de los trajes espaciales. Y el señor Piranha podría haber comido demasiados burritos de frijoles. Sobrevivir a esta misión puede ser solo un pequeño paso para el hombre, pero es un gran salto para los Bad Guys.