Amir's Research Group

Research Interests

My research group's focus is on multiscale mechanics of materials, structures and manufacturing processes which include

  • data driven computational mechanics

  • machine learning based constitutive modelling

  • deformation and failure in materials and their interfaces

  • additive manufacturing

  • subtractive manufacturing

  • conventional and nonconventional forming processes

  • subsea structural integrity and pipeline design

  • residual stress measurement and predictions

  • renewable energy systems

  • stress corrosion cracking

Recent News

New article on data driven finite element method accepted for publication in IMECHE journal of mechanical engineering science, 2020.
New article on repetitive bending under tension of CP-Titanium published in Materials & Design, 2020. (doi: HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.MATDES.2020.108814)
Eugene will give a talk on Hydrogen effects during deformation and failure in steels at upcoming NACE 2020.
New article on stress corrosion cracking published in Journal of Mechanics, 2020. (doi: )
Congratulations to Umair on defending his PhD thesis titled, "Microstructure based Multiscale Computational Framework for Metal Forming" on 11th March 2019.
More News & Events ..


  • Peter Christie (PhD Student, Primary)

  • Michael Olatunde (PhD Student, Secondary)

  • Joachim Koelblin (PhD Student, Secondary)


  • Eugene Ogosi, PhD (Apache Ltd)

  • Harry Goodson, MSc (RWE Renewables)

  • Yadukrishnan Satheesan, MSc

  • Umair Bin Asim, PhD (Texas A&M)

  • Alexander Ogudipe, MSc (Schlumberger)

  • Kamel Bou Kamel, PhD (Beirut Arab University)

  • Georgios Aleiftiras, MSc

  • Maftooh Ur Rahman Siddiqui, EngD (CECOS University)

  • Amir Mir, PhD (UAE)

  • Ahmad Basem Hany Alsawy, Post Doc (NA)



  • Longevity and fate of structures left in place, Oil & Gas Technology Centre Ltd and Chevron, 2020-2024 (ÂŁ200k) (CI)

  • Post decommissioning monitoring, Shell UK, 2020-2022 (ÂŁ 302.997k) (CI)

  • Induced Ductile to Brittle Transition Impact Cut (IDBTIC), Scottish Funding Council and Clockwise Technologies (Ltd), 2019-2023 (ÂŁ 122.28k) (CI)


  • Framework for digitalisation of the fitness for service assessment process, UoA and WilkinsonCoutts Ltd., 2020 (~ÂŁ 17.5k) (PI)

  • PhD studentship for Stress Corrosion Cracking in Steels, 2016-2021, Apache Ltd (PI)

  • A Multiscale Constitutive Model for Metals during Sheet Metal Forming Process (EPSRC), 2014-2016 (ÂŁ98.86k) (PI)

  • A Computational Framework for Underwater Shock Response of Marine Structures (DSTL), Apr 2014 - Oct 2014 (ÂŁ27.25k)

  • Multi-scale Modeling of Stress Corrosion Cracking by Using Peridynamics (DSTL), Apr 2014 - Oct 2014 (ÂŁ27.255k + ÂŁ15k)

  • Disc project - measurement and prediction of residual stress in quenched components (AFRC, BOEING, Rolls Royce, Timet, Aubar & Duvel, Barnes Aerospace), 2013 - 2014 (ÂŁ300k )

  • Sheet metal forming and incremental sheet forming of titanium alloys (AFRC, BOEING, Rolls Royce, Timet, Aubar & Duvel, Barnes Aerospace), 2013 - 2014 (ÂŁ330k )

  • EPSRC Small Equipment Grant Scheme for microstructure based modelling of polycrystalline materials (EPSRC), Nov-2012 (ÂŁ6.4k)

  • Residual Stress Measurement and Predictions (AFRC, BOEING, Rolls Royce, Timet, Aubar & Duvel, Barnes Aerospace), Aug 2012 - Jul 2013 (ÂŁ 175k)

  • Sheet Press Forming of Titanium Alloys (AFRC, BOEING, Rolls Royce, Timet, Aubar & Duvel, Barnes Aerospace), Feb 2012 - Jul 2013 (ÂŁ 118k)

  • Rate sensitivity effects in nanocrystalline materials during intergranular failure, Feb 2012 (ÂŁ5k)

  • Incremental Sheet Metal Forming (BOEING), Feb 2012 - Jul 2013 (ÂŁ 125k)

Selected Knowledge Exchange Activities

1. Dynamic Response of a Car Window-Lift Motor Assembly: In collaboration with Dipl.-Ing. Holger Dietzhausen (Robert BOSCH GmbH) and Prof. Kai Willner (Institute A of Mechanics, University of Stuttgart)

2. Diffusion Process (Carburization) Simulation Code: In collaboration with Dr. Juergen Gegner (SKF GmbH) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Oechsner (Institute of Applied Mechanics, University of Erlangen)

3. Ultrasonic Consolidation at Macroscale: In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Elaheh Ghassemieh (University of Sheffield), DSTL and Solidica, Inc. Spotlight on our work in NEWS & MAGAZINE.

4. Modelling and experiments of two point incremental sheet metal forming process and residual stress measurement and modelling: In collaboration with AFRC, BOEING.

5. Sheet metal forming core research project : In collaboration with AFRC, Rolls Royce plc., BOEING, Barnes Aerospace, and Timet.

6. Residual stress measurement core research project : In collaboration with AFRC, Rolls Royce plc., BOEING, Barnes Aerospace, Timet, and Aubert & Duval.

7. Sheet press forming and incremental sheet forming of titanium alloys: In collaboration with AFRC, Rolls Royce plc., BOEING, Barnes Aerospace, Timet, and Aubert & Duval.

8. Disc project – measurement and prediction of residual stress in quenched components: In collaboration with AFRC, Rolls Royce plc., BOEING, Barnes Aerospace, Timet, and Aubert & Duval.

9. Multi-scale Modelling of Stress Corrosion Cracking by Using Peridynamics: Dr Erkan Oterkus (University of Strathclyde), DSTL UK & Lloyds Register.

10. A Computational Framework for Underwater Shock Response of Marine Structures: Dr Erkan Oterkus (University of Strathclyde), DSTL UK & Lloyds Register.

11. Framework for digitalisation of the fitness for service assessment process: Wilkinson Coutts Engineering UK.

Collaborators and Funders


  • DSTL


  • AFRC

  • Max-Planck Institute

  • IMWF, University of Stuttgart

  • Robert BOSCH GmbH

  • SKF GmbH

  • HVM Catapult

  • University of Sheffield

  • Cankaya University

  • Nanchang University

  • University of California Santa Barbara


  • Jiangsu University

  • WMG

  • Mines ParisTech

  • Queen's University Belfast

My groups's research interests fall in the broad category of experimental and computational investigation of materials, structures and manufacturing processes. These include to some extent, the experimental investigations and in great detail formulating and application of computational frameworks and material constitutive models for metals, soft materials and their interfaces at different length scales. Our interests in these models are broad, spanning a wide range of macro-, micro- and nano-scale phenomena. Detailed information can be found on research page. (link)