Program Design

Prepare to experience a leadership growth spurt during the WIA Leadership Program! Over the seven-month course, we will orchestrate a symphony of learning and stretching exercises that will expand your possibilities, clarify your values, ignite your dreams, and hone your leadership strengths.

The WIA Leadership Program immerses you in a multi-modality program:

  • Learning Sessions: 1.5 days onsite, interactive workshops in November 14 - 15, February 6 - 7 , and May 14 - 15; 90 minute webinars
  • Self-Study: Readings and homework assignments to be completed at your pace
  • Peer Support Network Study: Small study groups will meet monthly to discuss reading assignments, case studies and personal development progress (self-directed)
  • Executive Coaching: Monthly coaching with a program facilitator to amplify, apply and accelerate the learning

Leader behavior and leadership practice can be cultivated by everyone. You need a desire to lead yourself, to move a group towards a shared goal, and a yearning to learn. Whether you aspire to achieve a higher position with formal leadership authority, or you aspire to increase your influence from your current position, the WIA Leadership Program will prepare you to embrace the leadership challenges that lay ahead, or in front, of you.

We use a developmental framework tailored for women in the health informatics ecosystem. You will explore, develop and distinguish the technical competencies and ethical values that create your leadership brand. Our curriculum follows three complementary pillars of leadership:

  • Leader Development: You will focus on developing your intrapersonal potential including self-awareness, self-regulation, self-efficacy, self-motivation, and values clarification
  • Women and Men in the Workplace: You will focus on recognizing existing artificial and/or structural barriers preventing women from achieving upward mobility and the development of behaviors to help change and circumvent these as women and men work together.
  • Leadership Development: You will focus on applying leader behaviors in developing interpersonal potential in situations of social influence, relationships, and team dynamics to challenge the status quo and promote opportunities for organizational growth, innovation, and positive change.

Participant Time Commitments and Expectations

The WIA Leadership Program is an intensive leadership development program. Your leadership growth spurt will be directly correlated with your ability to invest your time and energy in the program. You should expect to invest the following time in your leadership development:

  • Three Day-and-a-Half Onsite Learning Sessions: You will attend a session on November 14-15, February 6-7 and May 14-15. You will need to plan travel that will enable you to be ready to start by 4:00 PM on the first day and stay through 5:00 PM on the second day.
  • Three 90-minute Webinars: You will virtually attend a 90-minute Webinar on December 4, March 11, and April 8 from 8:30 to 10:00 AM Pacific Time.
  • Monthly Coaching: You will schedule a series of one-hour individual coaching sessions with one of the program facilitators from December through May. You will meet virtually with your coach.
  • Monthly Peer Networking: You will be assigned to a small peer networking group. Each group will arrange times to meet for 60 – 90 minutes to discuss readings, homework assignments, and case studies. You will meet January through May.
  • Homework Assignments: We estimate you will spend approximately 2-4 hours a week on readings and homework assignments.
