
Resident Guide for Teaching Sessions:

1. Choose a module topic that interests you. Select the module from under “Modules”.

2. The modules are designed such that you can simply run through them without prior review, but it may also be a good idea to briefly run through the module once before your teaching session if it is a topic you are not very familiar with. You are also welcome to elaborate on content in the module or to add examples as you see fit.

3. The teaching session should take 20-25 mins.

4. The session should incorporate a lot of group discussion. There are 2 “Pause and Discuss” slides in each module with a few discussion questions for the group. You should allocate about 5 mins of discussion to each “Pause and Discuss” slide. You may also come up with your own discussion points if you would like. You can also answer any questions from the group during this time.

5. Have fun!

6. Remind the medical students to complete an evaluation of the module upon completion of the teaching session. The evaluation form can be found under Feedback.

Creating a Module:

1. Download the Module template.

2. Pick a topic that is interesting to you and follow the guidelines in the template.

3. Remember the module should take 20-25 minutes to run through, and should include group discussion.

4. Use the same format as the other modules.

5. Have fun!

6. Upon completion of the module, please come up with 2 multiple choice questions that reflect the content of the module. Please send the completed module and accompanying multiple choice questions to Dr. Patel at patel.forensic@gmail.com.