Introduction to OER

Open = Free of Cost + the 5R Permissions


Keep any open materials. Access does not disappear. 


Use open materials in a variety of ways without restrictions. 


Adjust, modify, or alter the content to fit your students' needs.


Combine the content with other open materials. 


Share copies with others without restrictions. 

Common Types of OER

Examples of OEr and Their CC Licenses

Examples of OER and CC Licenses

Finding OER: Start Small

Jumping into the deep end of OER search engines can be confusing--starting small helps. When you first start searching for OER, try going to the smallest, most focused collections that might cover your course. 


OpenALG is ALG's new OER repository. Your materials will be hosted here, and we're adding new things all the time!

GALILEO Open Learning Materials

GALILEO OLM is ALG's legacy OER repository. You can find all of the older materials from previous grant rounds here.


OpenStax focuses on introductory and STEM courses.

Open Textbook Library

The Open Textbook Library features texts that have been reviewed by their community for a variety of subjects.


Originally a chemistry project called ChemWiki, LibreTexts brings OER together into one system that allows you to remix all of them into one customized resource.

Ending Bigger: What did I miss?

After you start small and look for OER in places that focus on a particular type of content, now you can jump into the larger OER search tools. Use keywords for topics you would like to cover - leave the formats (textbook, quiz) and the audience (higher education, sophomore, etc.) for narrowing these keyword results by facets or an advanced search

OER Commons

Narrow the results by facets.


Narrow the results by type, subject, source, and even reviews.