
All models are wrong, but some models are useful.” 

- George Box

My research interest lies at the intersection of the following two disciplines:

Machine Learning 

Scientific Computation

My Research Work

Extended Physics-Informed Neural Networks (XPINNs) : A generalized space-time domain decomposition based deep learning framework for nonlinear partial differential equations

Highlights: XPINNs: A generalized space-time domain decomposition based framework is introduced in deep learning framework for nonlinear PDEs, which efficiently lends itself to parallelized computation thereby reduces the network training cost drastically.

Kinetic theory based multi-level finite difference WENO schemes for compressible Euler equations.

Density contours for Rayleigh-Talyor Instability using Adaptive Order Kinetic WENO schemes (WENO-AO-K1 and WENO-AO-K2)

Density contours for Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability using Adaptive Order Kinetic WENO schemes (WENO-AO-K1 and WENO-AO-K2)

Conservative Physics-Informed Neural Networks (cPINN) on discrete domains for conservation laws

X-dir velocity

Y-dir velocity

cPINN and Ghia comparison

cPINN and Ghia comparison

cPINN : Solution of lid-driven cavity flow test case ( Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Re = 100) using cPINN method.

cPINN : (Left to right) Exact, predicted and point-wise error in the solution of 2D Burgers equation at final time 0.5.

Highlights: A conservative PINN algorithm is developed using domain decomposition approach, which can be fully parallelized. The small sub-domains are stitched together by using the conservative flux. 

Adaptive activation functions for deep and physics-informed neural networks

Adaptive activation functions in deep and physics-informed neural networks.

1D Discontinuous function approximation using Fixed activation function.

1D Discontinuous function approximation using Adaptive activation function.

Highlight: Adaptive activations in the neural network can converge much faster than the traditional fixed activation functions.

Physics-informed neural networks for high speed compressible flows with shock waves

1D Euler test case - Sod's shock tube reference and neural network (NN) solutions.

2D Euler oblique shock wave test case - neural network (NN) solutions.

Highlight: The PINN algorithm can capture both shock and contact waves exactly in 1D Sod's shock tube problem.

Method of Relaxed Streamline Upwinding for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

KKP rotating wave :  Non-convex flux function 

Transonic flow over a bump (Mach 0.85) : Pressure contours (top) and Mach number variation along bottom wall (bottom)

Highlight: Relaxation system based stabilized FEM method is proposed for conservation laws like Burger's equation, Euler equations and shallow water equations.

Spectral element method for inhomogeneous sine-Gordon Equation with Impulsive Forcing

Solution of homogeneous sine Gordon equation using 6th order spectral element method on 6 x 6 elements. 

Solution of sine Gordon equation for time dependent impulsive forcing

Spectral element method for two- and three-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard Equation

Solution of 2D Cahn-Hilliard Equation : 8 x 8 fourth order spectral element mesh

Isocontours of solution of 3D Cahn-Hilliard Equation : 5 x 5 x 5 fourth order spectral element mesh

L1-type smoothness indicators based WENO scheme for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations 

Barenblatt solution