
Rowdy Activation Functions (Deep Kronecker Neural Networks)

We propose a new type of neural networks, Kronecker neural networks (KNNs), that form a general framework for neural networks with adaptive activation functions. KNNs employ the Kronecker product, which provides an efficient way of constructing a very wide network while keeping thenumber of parameters low. Our theoretical analysis reveals that under suitable conditions, KNNsinduce a faster decay of the loss than that by the feed-forward networks. This is also empirically verified through a set of computational examples. Furthermore, under certain technical assumptions,we establish global convergence of gradient descent for KNNs. As a specific case, we propose the Rowdy activation function that is designed to get rid of any saturation region by injecting sinusoidal fluctuations, which include trainable parameters. The proposed Rowdy activation function can beemployed in any neural network architecture like feed-forward neural networks, Recurrent neural networks, Convolutional neural networks etc. The effectiveness of KNNs with Rowdy activation isdemonstrated through various computational experiments including function approximation using feed-forward neural networks, solution inference of partial differential equations using the physics-informed neural networks, and standard deep learning benchmark problems using convolutional and fully-connected neural networks. 

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Adaptive Activation Functions

We employ adaptive activation functions for regression in deep and physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to approximate smooth and discontinuous functions as well as solutions of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations. In particular, we solve the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation, which has smooth solutions, the nonlinear Burgers equation, which can admit high gradient solutions, and the Helmholtz equation. We introduce a scalable hyper-parameter in the activation function, which can be optimized to achieve best performance of the network as it changes dynamically the topology of the loss function involved in the optimization process. The adaptive activation function has better learning capabilities than the traditional one (fixed activation) as it improves greatly the convergence rate, especially at early training, as well as the solution accuracy. To better understand the learning process, we plot the neural network solution in the frequency domain to examine how the network captures successively different frequency bands present in the solution. We consider both forward problems, where the approximate solutions are obtained, as well as inverse problems, where parameters involved in the governing equation are identified. Our simulation results show that the proposed method is a very simple and effective approach to increase the efficiency, robustness and accuracy of the neural network approximation of nonlinear functions as well as solutions of partial differential equations, especially for forward problems. We theoretically prove that in the proposed method, gradient descent algorithms are not attracted to suboptimal critical points or local minima. Furthermore, the proposed adaptive activation functions are shown to accelerate the minimization process of the loss values in standard deep learning benchmarks using CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, SVHN, MNIST, KMNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and Semeion datasets with and without data augmentation.

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Extended Physics-Informed Neural Networks (XPINNs): A Generalized Space-Time Domain Decomposition Based Deep Learning Framework for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

We propose a generalized space-time domain decomposition approach for the physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to solve nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) on arbitrary complex-geometry domains. The proposed framework, named eXtended PINNs (XPINNs), further pushes the boundaries of both PINNs as well as conservative PINNs (cPINNs), which is a recently proposed domain decomposition approach in the PINN framework tailored to conservation laws. Compared to PINN, the XPINN method has large representation and parallelization capacity due to the inherent property of deployment of multiple neural networks in the smaller subdomains. Unlike cPINN, XPINN can be extended to any type of PDEs. Moreover, the domain can be decomposed in any arbitrary way (in space and time), which is not possible in cPINN. Thus, XPINN offers both space and time parallelization, thereby reducing the training cost more effectively. In each subdomain, a separate neural network is employed with optimally selected hyperparameters, e.g., depth/width of the network, number and location of residual points, activation function, optimization method, etc. A deep network can be employed in a subdomain with complex solution, whereas a shallow neural network can be used in a subdomain with relatively simple and smooth solutions. We demonstrate the versatility of XPINN by solving both forward and inverse PDE problems, ranging from one-dimensional to three-dimensional problems, from time-dependent to time-independent problems, and from continuous to discontinuous problems, which clearly shows that the XPINN method is promising in many practical problems. The proposed XPINN method is the generalization of PINN and cPINN methods, both in terms of applicability as well as domain decomposition approach, which efficiently lends itself to parallelized computation.

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Codes TensorFlow 1 , TensorFlow 2

Conservative Physics-Informed Neural Networks on discrete domains for conservation laws: Applications to forward and inverse problems

We propose a conservative physics-informed neural network (cPINN) on discrete domains for nonlinear conservation laws. Here, the term discrete domain represents the discrete sub-domains obtained after division of the computational domain, where PINN is applied and the conservation property of cPINN is obtained by enforcing the flux continuity in the strong form along the sub-domain interfaces. In case of hyperbolic conservation laws, the convective flux contributes at the interfaces, whereas in case of viscous conservation laws, both convective and diffusive fluxes contribute. Apart from the flux continuity condition, an average solution (given by two different neural networks) is also enforced at the common interface between two sub-domains. One can also employ a deep neural network in the domain, where the solution may have complex structure, whereas a shallow neural network can be used in the sub-domains with relatively simple and smooth solutions. Another advantage of the proposed method is the additional freedom it gives in terms of the choice of optimization algorithm and the various training parameters like residual points, activation function, width and depth of the network etc. Various forms of errors involved in cPINN such as optimization, generalization and approximation errors and their sources are discussed briefly. In cPINN, locally adaptive activation functions are used, hence training the model faster compared to its fixed counterparts. Both, forward and inverse problems are solved using the proposed method. Various test cases ranging from scalar nonlinear conservation laws like Burgers, Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equations to systems of conservation laws, like compressible Euler equations are solved. The lid-driven cavity test case governed by incompressible Navier–Stokes equation is also solved and the results are compared against a benchmark solution. The proposed method enjoys the property of domain decomposition with separate neural networks in each sub-domain, and it efficiently lends itself to parallelized computation, where each sub-domain can be assigned to a different computational node. 

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Locally adaptive activation functions with slope recovery for deep and physics-informed neural networks :

Abstract: We propose two approaches of locally adaptive activation functions namely, layer-wise and neuron-wise locally adaptive activation functions, which improve the performance of deep and physics-informed neural networks. The local adaptation of activation function is achieved by introducing a scalable parameter in each layer (layer-wise) and for every neuron (neuron-wise) separately, and then optimizing it using a variant of stochastic gradient descent algorithm. In order to further increase the training speed, an activation slope-based slope recovery term is added in the loss function, which further accelerates convergence, thereby reducing the training cost. On the theoretical side, we prove that in the proposed method, the gradient descent algorithms are not attracted to sub-optimal critical points or local minima under practical conditions on the initialization and learning rate, and that the gradient dynamics of the proposed method is not achievable by base methods with any (adaptive) learning rates. We further show that the adaptive activation methods accelerate the convergence by implicitly multiplying conditioning matrices to the gradient of the base method without any explicit computation of the conditioning matrix and the matrix–vector product. The different adaptive activation functions are shown to induce different implicit conditioning matrices. Furthermore, the proposed methods with the slope recovery are shown to accelerate the training process.


A D Jagtap, K Kawaguchi, G E Karniadakis, Locally adaptive activation functions with slope recovery for deep and physics-informed neural networks, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 20200334, 2020.
