
Thursday, September 21 - Please access resources from these presentations directly below the schedule.

5:30 PM - Registration/Pre-Assessment

5:35 - Introduction – Denise Woltering Vargas (Tulane University), Colleen McCoy (Vanderbilt University), Carolyn Parker (American University)

5:40 - Immigration at Your Door – Alexandra Diaz, author of The Only Road

6:20 - The Two Reynas: Becoming Twice the Girl I Used to Be - Reyna Grande, author of The Distance Between Us

7:00 - Break

7:05 - Sewing Tales of Peacock Feathers and Rip Cloth: Teaching Malaika's Costume in the Classroom - Nadia L. Hohn, author of Malaika's Costume

7:45 - DiscussionRebeca Gamez

8:15 - Resources - Fayette Colon & Deborah Menkart from Teaching for Change

8:30 - Post-assessment