Part 1b: Mothman

Image: Pexels

Author's Note: This story might or might not be your first encounter with the creatures of the Mythical Monsters of the New World exhibit. If you're coming here from Part 1a: Bigfoot, then you might be a bit surprised at how different this encounter was. Mothman is an urban legend that was born in the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia in the 1960s. After the collapse of the Silver Bridge in Point Pleasant, Mothman sightings slowed, but the creature has been an integral part of Point Pleasant culture ever since, as the town now hosts an annual Mothman festival, funds a Mothman museum, and even has a giant metal statue of Mothman in the center of town.

Mothman's behavior and appearance were inspired by the descriptions given by Point Pleasant witnesses combined with that of a common clothes moth. The "aura" he exudes is a reference to the belief that Mothman is more of an omen of disaster rather than a boogeyman, and the noise stopping it is a reference to bats being able to stun moths using echolocation. All of the disasters described in the story were real occurrences, all of which have witnesses claiming to have seen the Mothman. I hope you enjoyed reading!

Sources - Mothman Museum ; Mothman Wikipedia ; "The Black Bird of Chernobyl"