
Perks are the primary form of character building and progression in Ame no Woto. You start with one Perk Point at character creation, and gain another one every level. Your collection of perks can represent the kind of character you want to roleplay as well as the style of gameplay you'd like to pursue. Not all perks are made equal, and some are deliberately more impactful than others: this is to encourage both rounded character-building and extensive options for specific builds. Perks are intentionally designed to work together in creative ways as well, so coming up with unique and interesting combinations is also encouraged. No matter what combination of perks you take you will never have abilities that work effectively in every situation, so focus first and foremost on using them to build a character you find fun in gameplay and roleplay.

Most perks give you some new ability you can use, while others offer improvements to your stats. A small few are tiered, giving you increasing benefits as you invest more Perk Points, with tiers indicated by a Roman numeral after the perk's name. Except for this last type, you can only take individual perks once.

In most cases, perks also have basic prerequisites, usually in the form of Skill or level or stat requirements, which are listed after the perk's name.. This makes some perks available only to higher-level characters, allowing them to be more powerful choices in certain situations and at higher levels. However, most perks are available from level 1 depending on your Skills and stats. For perks with multiple tiers, each tier adds +2 to the base requirement: so a perk with a prerequisite of 12 Psyche or 4 Esoterica or Level 4 for its first tier would then require "14 Psyche or 6 Esoterica or Level 6" for its second tier.

List of Perks

1. Awareness - Investigation 2

You have a keen eye for sizing up foes even from a distance: by spending 1 minute observing a person or creature, you can determine any two of their Primary or Secondary Statistics relative (higher or lower) to your own. You can also, instead of a stat, determine if they are a higher or lower level than yourself, what their equipped weapon or weapon of choice is (and how much ammunition it has left if applicable), or what their background is. You can also do this in combat as a Standard Action.

2. Night Person - Perception 14

Like a true creature of the night, darkness rarely hinders your eyes. In darkness you can see clearly up to 60 feet, though only in shades of your choice of green, grey, or red. This sight is clear and distinct enough that you suffer no perception or attack penalties within 60 feet. Also, your eyes now shine like a cat's in the darkness, suggesting the influence of the Salt.

3. Thick Skin - Physique 14

Lots of scrapes and bumps and bruises have led to you having a uniquely resilient epidermis! You gain maximum Health equal to twice your level, and on each further level you increase your Health by +2. Additionally, you gain 1 Damage Reduction against all damage types, except Poison.

4. Die Hard I/II - Psyche 16

When Death comes a-calling, you just tell him "no." Whenever you take Health damage, you can redirect up to half of it instead to your Will. With the second tier of this perk, if you hit 0 Health you can remain conscious and standing, taking all damage to your Will until that, too, hits 0 - but if it does before your Health is above 0 again, you die outright.

5. Command - Authority 2

Your word is law. As a Standard Action, you give a one-word command to any person or creature that can hear and understand you as long as your command does not directly harm it. They must make a Psyche saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your Authority skill level. If they fail they must follow the command as best they can, immediately and without an action. Regardless of whether they pass or fail, they also take 1d4 Will damage. You can do this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.

6. Forgot to Remember to Forget - Level 2

The past is a blur to you - did it ever really happen? When you take this Perk, remove one other Perk you have already taken and replace it with another that you are eligible for. Then, remove Forgot to Remember to Forget and replace it with another Perk that you are eligible for.

7. Living Anatomy - Medicine 4

Hands that heal can also be hands that kill. As a Standard Action in combat or 1 minute of observation out of combat, you can determine a foe or ally's A) highest and lowest Primary Statistics and current Health and Will, B) their Resistances, Vulnerabilities, and Damage Reductions, or C) weak points or any current status effects on them such as poison, bleeding, frenzy, etc. You also gain +2 on Medicine checks to determine the source of an injury or cause of death.

8. Gunslinger - Legerdemain 2

Get ready for high noon! You can now draw or holster one-handed ranged weapons as a free action on your turn, allowing you to switch firearms quickly and easily or react to a sudden surprise. Additionally, whenever an enemy that you can see makes a ranged attack roll against you, you can use your Reaction to shoot them first. If the both of you have the Gunslinger perk, then the both of you roll opposed Legerdemain checks, the higher number shooting first. You can use this Reaction ability a number of times equal to your Agility modifier, and regain all expended uses at the end of a short or long rest.

9. Parting Shot - Agility 14

You never say goodbye without a kiss - from the barrel of your gun, of course. When you Disengage, you can make a single melee or ranged attack as a Bonus Action or Reaction, against an enemy you’re getting away from. You can do this twice, and regain all expended uses at the end of a short or long rest.

10. Intense Training I/II/III - Level 2

Increase any one Primary Statistic by 2, or any two by 1.

11. With Cat-Like Tread - Acrobatics 2

You've got elegance and grace enough to make a cat jealous. Whenever you make an Acrobatics check, you can roll twice and take either result. Additionally, as long as you have succeeded on an Acrobatics check to keep your balance in difficult terrain, you move at full speed rather than half speed.

12. Dodge! - Agility 12

You have a nearly-supernatural sense for avoiding danger coming your way. As long as you are not prone or kneeling you gain +1 Armour Class, increased to +2 Armour Class when you take up a Defensive Posture as a Standard Action. Also, a hit has to exceed your Armour Class by 15 rather than 10 in order to be automatically critical.

13. Let’s Improvise

You're adept at fighting with things that are not normally supposed to be weapons. You now have no penalties using improvised weapons, and weapons of this type that you use are assigned a damage die based on their size and weight. You can also make use of improvised tools in other ways, such as treating an upturned stool in your hand as effectively a shield.

14. Pratfaller Extraordinaire - Acrobatics 2 or Athletics 2

You know better than anyone how to take a fall gracefully. Whenever you fall from a height, you can roll Acrobatics or Athletics against a DC based on the distance you've fallen. On a success you take no damage, and even on a failure - except for critical failures - you take half damage.

15. Takedown! - Athletics 4

Sometimes it’s best to incapacitate a foe, rather than killing them. Your attacks in close combat are now hefty enough to potentially flatten your foes to the ground: after any one successful melee or unarmed attack per round, you can force your opponent to roll Athletics or Acrobatics against a DC equal to the damage taken. On a failure, they are knocked prone.

16. High Alert - Perception 12

Your eyes are on a swivel, and no threat goes unnoticed. You cannot be surprised in combat, and enemies cannot gain flanking bonuses against you even if you're completely surrounded. You also gain +4 to Initiative at the beginning of combat, allowing you to take your turn earlier more often.

17. Shotgun Serendipity

Well, looks like you’re out of ammo… but wait! As you reach down to reload, you realize that, in fact, there’s one last round in the chamber. Once per combat encounter, when you run out of ammunition in your firearm, you can try a special check: roll a d20, and then as you roll a second d20, guess if it will be higher or lower. If you guess right, then you make an extra attack as a Free Action against any target in range without having to reload. If you guess wrong, then you get a free round in the chamber at the start of your next turn.

18. Run and Gun - Agility 12

An infamous technique thought to be known only by reckless Carlian trench-chargers. When you use your Movement action to move (rather than reload, etc.) you can simultaneously make one ranged attack against an enemy within range. This attack is made without your respective ability modifier, but is otherwise a normal attack.

19. Sting Like a Bee - Physique 12

Except you don't die after one punch. With this Perk, your unarmed attacks score critical hits on a roll of 19-20, and unarmed critical hits allow you to roll your damage die three times, rather than twice.

20. Point-Blank Shot I/II - Legerdemain 4

You eagerly bring a gun (or bow) to a knife fight. You no longer have Disadvantage when making a ranged attack within 5 feet of your target, and you can use a Bonus Action to follow a ranged attack up with a bash from your weapon, made as a proficient melee attack using your Physique or Agility modifier. With the second tier of this perk, you now critically hit on a 19 or 20 when making a ranged attack within 5 feet of your target.

21. Insult to Injury I/II - Rhetoric 2

Sharp words complement sharp blades. When you roll to attack but before a hit is determined, you can shout an insult at an enemy, causing them to be caught off-guard and letting you add 1d6 to your attack roll. You can also do this when an enemy is attacking you or an ally, shouting nasty words in their direction to reduce their attack roll by 1d6. With the second tier of this perk, you can Goad an enemy as a bonus action instead, dealing 1d6 Will damage and giving them disadvantage on attacks against targets other than you until the start of your next turn. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and regain all expended uses at the end of a short or long rest.

22. Chef Connoisseur - Proficiency with Cooking Supplies

Your motto is that good cooking is good living - literally. If you cook something during a short rest, you and your companions can regain an additional 1d8 Health even if you do not roll Hit Dice during this rest. As part of this, you also make an amount of leftovers equal to your Intelligence modifier; these can be consumed as a Bonus Action and restore the eater's Health for an amount equal to 1 + half your level, rounded up, with the excess becoming temporary Health. Or you could taint it all for an equivalent damaging effect, if you have poison or a poisoner's kit. No one will know until they eat it.

23. Mama Bear

Nobody hurts your friends. When someone attacks a member of your party (other than yourself) and deals Health or Will damage to them, you can gain a bonus to your next attack roll against that target equal to half the damage your friend received, rounded up. This can be used once per companion per day.

24. Counter/Parry - Level 3

You've taught yourself the famous art of the Andover Royal Fencing School. When a melee attack roll is made against you, if you’re unarmed or using a melee weapon, you can make an opposed attack roll as a Reaction: if you equal or surpass your enemy’s attack roll you successfully block it and follow it up with a riposte, which you roll damage for as usual. This riposte can critically hit. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Physique or Agility modifier, and regain all expended uses at the end of a short or long rest.

25. Rage Slash/Rage Shot - Level 6

This hand of yours glows with an awesome power! When you attack using a Full Action, you can choose to make a Rage Attack instead of following the usual rules: you make as many attacks as you can, with each consecutive attack adding a stacking -1 to your attack rolls. When you miss for the first time, you stop attacking and end your turn.

26. Selfless Sacrifice - Psyche 12

It's your natural instinct to jump in front of a bullet for people. As a Reaction, you can interpose yourself between an enemy attack and someone you want to protect, so long as they’re within 10 feet of you. You impose Disadvantage on the attack, and if it still hits, you take the damage instead while reducing it by an amount equal to your Physique modifier.

27. Designated Fire - Charisma 14, Level 4

You order your party with military precision, to devastating effect. With this Perk, you can mark any one enemy you can see as your target using a Bonus Action, and you and your allies gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls against that target equal to your Charisma modifier for 1 minute. This effect ends early if you are incapacitated. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.

28. Brutal Bloodlust

Blood must flow! Whenever you score a critical hit or kill a foe on your turn, you can make an additional attack against a different target as a Bonus Action. If this second attack hits, you regain Health equal to the damage dice rolled.

29. Versatile Fighter

You are a master at your craft, able to manipulate the battlefield to your liking. Once per round when you hit an enemy with an attack, you can choose to reroll one of your weapon's damage dice and use either result. You can also either force your target back 5 feet, or reduce their speed by 10 feet until the beginning of your next turn. If you score a critical hit, you can additionally choose either to have all attacks made against them have advantage, or make all of their attacks suffer disadvantage. These effects last until the beginning of your next turn.

30. Reckless Rush - Physique 12 or Agility 12

Believe in yourself, and nothing can harm you! When unarmed or wielding a melee weapon, you can use your Bonus Action to move up to your speed toward an enemy, gaining +4 Armour Class until the beginning of your next turn and not provoking Attacks of Opportunity. On the beginning of your following turn, you turn that +4 Armour Class bonus into a +4 bonus modifier to your first attack roll and its damage roll, if successful. You can do this once per combat.

31. Bloody Knuckles - Physique 14, Level 4

On the brink of death is when you fight the hardest. With this perk, when making an unarmed or melee attack, add the difference between your current and maximum Health, divided in half and rounded down, to all your attack rolls.

32. Punch Drunk - Physique 12 or Psyche 12

Intoxication is, for you, a higher state of being. When you are under the influence of alcohol, you gain temporary Health and Will equal to your level that lasts until you're sober. Additionally, when in this state you can roll 1d4 whenever you take damage and reduce the damage taken by the rolled amount.

33. Charge! - Agility 12

Fix bayonets and give 'em hell! When you move at least 10 feet in a straight line toward an enemy and hit them with a Standard Action melee attack, you gain +5 damage on your roll and your target has to make a Physique saving throw against the damage dealt or be pushed back 10 feet. Additionally, if you take a Run action on your turn and move at least 10 feet in a straight line toward an enemy, you can make an attack with the same properties as a bonus action.

34. Heart of Iron - Physique 14

You've hardened your heart, just like any other muscle in your body. You use your Physique modifier, rather than your Psyche, to calculate your Will, and can use your Physique modifier for Psyche saves. You also gain an additional permanent boost to your Will equal to your Physique modifier.

35. True Leader - Charisma 14

Where you go, others naturally follow. By spending 5 minutes making an inspiring speech, you can grant a number of people or creatures equal to twice your Charisma modifier, within 30 feet and who can hear and understand you, temporary Health equal to your level + your Charisma modifier and temporary Will equal to your Charisma modifier. This Health and Will lasts until the creature takes a short or long rest, and then they can benefit from this perk again. You can gain temporary Health from this ability, too. You also gain advantage on Rhetoric or Authority rolls made against those who have temporary Health from this perk.

36. Piercing Shot/Sweep Attack - Agility 12 or Perception 14

Cut them all down, with one fell swoop. When you make a melee attack against an enemy, even if the attack misses, if the same roll would also hit another enemy within 5 feet of the target and in your weapon's reach, roll just your weapon's damage die and deal that amount to the secondary target. Alternatively, when you make a non-burst ranged attack against an enemy, even if the attack misses, if the same roll would also hit one other enemy in front of or behind them in a straight line (and not behind you or in cover), roll just your weapon's damage dice and deal that amount to the secondary target. A sweep attack cannot critically hit the secondary target, and it can only be made once per turn.

37. Hit the Deck - Acrobatics 2

You know exactly when to duck out of the way of danger. You can use your Reaction to immediately dive roll and go prone in any accessible, unoccupied space within 10 feet, gaining +2 Armour Class until you get up from prone. This does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity, and if you do this in response to an area-of-effect attack like an explosion that requires an Agility save, you take half damage on a failed save and no damage on a successful save.

38. Precision Bomber - Intelligence 12

After trial and error, you've gotten better at not blowing your friends up. When you make an explosive attack such as from a grenade or mine, you can choose before saves and damage are rolled to either expand or contract the blast radius by 10 feet. You also have improved your throwing arm, and can toss weapons and objects 20 feet farther regardless of your Physique.

39. Sneak Attack - Agility 14, Sneak 2

You've mastered the art of striking from the shadows. You can deal additional damage equal to 1d6 x half your level (rounded up) when you hit with an attack if you had Advantage on the attack roll. The weapon you are using to make this attack must have the Silent property if it is a ranged weapon, or the Light property if it is a melee weapon. You can do this once per turn.

40. Tactical Manoeuvres - Intelligence 12

You have a mind adapted to the battlefield, and can take decisive action more quickly than others. As a Bonus Action on your turn you can choose to use a Skill, take a Run or Disengage action, or draw a concealed weapon. This can be in addition to regular uses of these actions in their normal Standard/Movement/Full Action forms.

41. Blessing - Psyche 16

Your spirit of hope can inspire those around you. As a Standard Action you can instill great courage in a number of people or creatures up to your Psyche modifier (including yourself) within 30 feet. For one minute, whenever someone affected by this blessing makes an attack roll or saving throw, they can roll 1d4 and add the result to their roll. You can do this a number of times equal to your Psyche modifier, and regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.

42. Terrorize I/II - Authority 4

Your looks or your personality are brutal enough to make your enemies cower before you. As a Standard Action you can target one person or creature that you can see within 60 feet and force them to roll a Psyche save against either 12 + your Physique modifier, or 8 + your Authority Skill level. If they fail, they become frightened of you for 1 minute and must use all their movement on each of their turns to move as far away from you as possible until you are out of their line of sight. While you are still in their line of sight, they have disadvantage on all attack rolls and saving throws. Additionally, they take 1d6 Will damage when you use this ability, halved if they succeeded their Psyche save. The second tier of this perk makes all people or creatures who are frightened of you have a movement speed of 0 and you can Terrorize one extra person or creature with a single use of this ability. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Physique or Psyche modifier, whichever is higher, and regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.

43. Hardened Ability I/II/III - Level 3

You have honed an inner strength in some aspect of your body or mind. Choose one Primary Statistic, and increase it by 1: all saving throws you make for that stat are made with double its modifier. Each tier of this perk must effect a different Primary Statistic.

44. Lead Belly - Physique 12 or Intelligence 14

After steady conditioning, you have made your body used to poisons and toxins. You are immune to any poison or other debilitating effect administered through food or drink, and gain Resistance against all forms of Poison damage.

45. Iron Will - Psyche 14

Almost nothing can faze you anymore. As a Bonus Action on your turn you can make a Psyche saving throw to shrug off any mental status effect on you such as fear or charm, and if you fail, you gain a cumulative +1 bonus on each subsequent Bonus Action attempt. You also gain a one-time permanent increase to your Will equal to your Psyche modifier.

46. Against All Odds - Psyche 16

Your will to live is as hard as diamond, and shines just as brilliantly. You gain a bonus to death and collapse saves equal to your Psyche modifier, and gain a permanent one-time bonus to your Will equal to your Psyche modifier. Additionally, when you reach three death save successes, you immediately return to consciousness with 1 Health.

47. Dual Wielder I/II - Agility 16

You have mastered a sacred and ancient art nearly forgotten by time. With this perk, when you have a weapon with the Light property in each hand and make a Standard or Full Attack action, you can use your Bonus Action to make an attack with your off-hand weapon. If this weapon is a melee weapon, you do not add your Physique or Agility modifier to its damage roll, and if it is a ranged weapon, you do not add your Perception modifier to the attack roll. If one of the weapons you're wielding is a melee weapon, you also gain +1 Armour Class. Additionally, you can draw or stow these weapons as a free action. With the second tier of this perk, these weapons can be any one-handed weapons, and you add your Physique/Agility or Perception modifiers as appropriate (for non-Light/Light weapons) to the Bonus Action attack roll as though it was a normal attack.

48. Healing Touch - Medicine 2

The healing arts are second nature to you. You can stabilise an ally as a Movement Action using a Healer's Kit as long as you have at least 5 feet of movement remaining on your turn, and when you heal yourself or an ally with a poultice or similar item, increase the amount of dice rolled to determine Health restored by 1. Poultices and similar items used by you in this way also restore 1d4 Will.

49. Lightning Reflexes - Agility 16 or Intelligence 16

Your reaction speed is completely unrivalled. You can an extra Reaction that you can use in addition to and just like your regular Reaction.

50. Hard Carry - Physique 14

You carry this team on your broad, chiselled shoulders. When you are carrying or dragging another person or creature - such as an unconscious friend or a grappled foe - you move at your normal speed and can Run or Disengage as though you were unencumbered. Additionally, you can drag a person or creature of one size category larger than usual.

51. Wrestling Master - Athletics 2

You have trained hard in the famous Dover martial art known regionally as "omdol" or "wrasslin." With these techniques your unarmed damage die is increased to 1d6 + your Physique or Agility modifier, or a d8 if you have no weapons or shield equipped. You can attempt to grapple a person or creature as a Bonus Action on your turn, and when you have someone grappled, you have Advantage on all attacks made against them. Additionally, you can grapple a target one size category larger than usual (so Huge if you are Medium) albeit with the target getting Advantage on their opposed roll, and at the start of each turn you can deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to a target you have grappled.

52. Bewitching Charm - Charisma 14

Your magnetic personality can easily put people under your sway. As a Standard Action, you can use a powerful form of verbal hypnotism to entrance one person for an hour or until you openly attack them. They roll a Psyche save against your Charisma (with Advantage if they are hostile to you), and if they fail they are charmed by you. They consider you a good friend for the effect's duration, but will not act out of character or do anything dangerous for you, though they will also not willingly harm you in any way. Any social Skill check you make with them while they are charmed has Advantage. You can end the hypnotic effect early by giving the person a reasonable one or two sentence suggestion that does not directly harm them, which they will attempt to accomplish as best they can. When the charm ends they take 1d6 Will damage and have only a muddled recollection of what happened during its duration, but will know you used some kind of hypnotism on them. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.

53. Astounding Actor - Performance 2

You are such a master of theatrics, people can barely be sure who you really are. With this perk you are able to use several minor abilities: first, you can accurately mimic any person or creature's sound that you've heard for at least 1 minute. This is enough to fool most voice recognition, and requires an Insight check (contested by your Performance) to spot. Second, your bodily control allows you to play dead so well that a person cannot tell you are alive unless they pass a Medicine check and physically examine you - though most animals can still spot the ruse through a Perception check. Third, you have perfect recall of anything you have seen or heard in the past 24 hours.

54. Animal Friend - Animalia 2

You are part of the wilderness, a beloved child of nature. Unless driven to by violence or hunger, animals will not normally attack you, though if you attack them or their fellows they will turn hostile. You can also give basic commands to friendly animals such as instructing them to run in a certain direction or bring you to food, water, or shelter. With a successful Animalia check (DC dependent on the animal) you can also get an animal to serve you for up to one hour, during which time it will allow you to ride it and will fight beside you, though not against its own kind. You cannot use this ability on the same animal more than once in the span of 24 hours.

55. Supreme Athlete - Athletics 4

You have pushed your body's capabilities to supernatural levels. Your Physique is doubled for the purpose of determining high jump and long jump distance as well as how long you can hold your breath. Additionally, if you have a running start of at least 10 feet, you can run across the surface of water (or similar liquids) or up a 90-degree incline a number of feet equal to your Physique. Finally, standing up from kneeling costs no movement and from prone only costs 5 feet of movement.

56. Double Strike - Level 5, Agility 12

The swiftness of your blade will be talked about for decades to come. When you make a Standard Action attack with a melee weapon or a ranged attack with a thrown melee weapon or bow, you can make two attacks instead of one. This also means that when you make a Full Attack action, your total attacks are doubled to four in total.

57. Take Aim - Perception 14

Ready... aim... fire! When you make a ranged attack with a Standard Action, for every turn you remain in the same space without moving you gain a cumulative +1 to your ranged attack rolls, as well as a one-time +1 Armour Class bonus and +20 feet of range. This resets if you attack with a different weapon, move, or use a Full Action attack.

58. Pep Talk - Psyche 12, Charisma 12

With a few words, you can ease a friend's mind. As a Reaction you can transfer any amount of your Will to another person within 30 feet who can hear or see you, deducting Will from yourself and adding the same amount to their Will up to their maximum. You also gain a one-time maximum Will bonus equal to your Psyche modifier when you take this perk.

59. Rapid Reload - Legerdemain 2

You have done so many drills with your firearm that every movement is etched into your muscle memory. You can now reload firearms and crossbows as a Bonus Action, or as a free action while prone. You also gain +2 to all Legerdemain checks involving these weapons.

60. Adrenaline Rush - Psyche 16, Level 3

You push yourself beyond your limits to achieve your dreams. While in combat you can use a Bonus Action to enter a highly focused state in which you gain a bonus to your ranged attack rolls and melee attack damage equal to your Psyche modifier (with a minimum of +2), Advantage on Physique and Agility checks, and can move up to half your movement speed as a Reaction without triggering Attacks of Opportunity. Additionally, the turn you use this ability you can take one additional Standard Action. This state lasts for up to one minute, or until combat ends. When Adrenaline Rush ends you take Will damage equal to 1d4 + the number of turns you had this ability active. You can use this ability once, and can use it again after a short or long rest.

61. Hyper Senses - Perception 16

You have the eyes of a hawk and the nose of a wolf. Without needing to roll, you can accurately track any scent, tell exactly how far away something is, tell how far down a hole is even if you can't see the bottom, and can track a person or creature you've wounded up to five miles from where you attacked them. Additionally you gain Blindsense: even if you are blinded or have your eyes closed, you can use your other senses - hearing, smell, and feeling vibrations in the ground and the air - to perceive what's around you in a 10 foot space. You have no penalties to attacking or bonuses to being attacked within this space while lacking one of your senses.

62. Incite Greed - Barter 4

You know the weakness that lies at the core of every heart. As a Standard Action, make a Barter check as you present an item worth at least 100 crowns and choose a number of people or creatures up to your Charisma or Intelligence modifier within 30 feet. The targets make a Psyche save opposed to your Barter roll; creatures make this roll with Advantage. If they fail they must do nothing on their turn except use their full movement to move toward you. Once they are within 5 feet of you, they simply stand and stare at the object you beguiled them with. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until you put the object away, and those affected can make a Psyche save at the end of each of their turns to try to dispel the effect. Regardless of how it ends, they take 1d4 Will damage. People and creatures cannot be beguiled by the same object twice. You can use this ability once for every 2 points you have in the Barter skill, and regain all expended uses at the end of a short or long rest.

63. Battlefield Miner - Intelligence 12

Even in the heat of combat, you can set explosive surprises for your foes. You can now place mines and other traps as a Bonus Action in combat, and do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity from adjacent enemies when placing traps. You also gain a bonus to Perception checks to find traps equal to your Intelligence modifier.

64. Pyromaniac - Intelligence 12

Your unique enthusiasm for fire has unlocked its greatest potential in combat. When you deal fire damage to an enemy, they continue to take 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of their turns for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier. The fire damage dealt by any attack you make other than damage over time is also increased by one damage die. Additionally, your knowledge of flame has made you specially trained to avoid it, and you gain Damage Reduction against fire damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.

65. Grandmaster - Intelligence 14, Level 3

Rather than strength or dexterity, you rely on your sharpened mental acuity to defeat your foes in battle. You gain access to a number of abilities affected by your Intelligence, and you gain a combined amount of uses of these abilities equal to your Intelligence modifier, refreshing at the end of a short or long rest.

  • Baton Pass: as a Standard Action, let an ally who can see or hear you take a Standard Action for free on your turn, gaining an attack bonus (if they attack) equal to your Intelligence modifier until the end of your turn.

  • Swap: as long as you have at least 5 feet of movement left, switch places with either an adjacent willing target or an adjacent enemy you've successfully hit with an attack this turn. Either you or they gain a bonus to Armour Class equal to your Intelligence modifier until the beginning of your next turn.

  • Disarm: when you hit with an attack you can attempt to make your target drop an object they're holding, forcing them to roll a Physique save against your Intelligence. Even if they succeed, they suffer a penalty to their next attack roll equal to your Intelligence modifier.

  • Precision Aim: when you make an attack roll with any weapon but before a hit is determined, add your Intelligence modifier to the roll.

  • Lunge: when you make a melee or thrown weapon attack, increase your reach by 5 feet and throwing range by 10 feet until the end of your turn.

66. Salt-Scarred I/II/III - Esoterica 2

The Salt has in some way permanently altered your body and mind. For each tier of this perk, choose one of the following abilities:

  • Sarkophage: you gain sustenance from eating raw flesh and blood. When you hit an enemy with a melee attack, or if they are incapacitated (or have been dead for 5 minutes or less), you can use a Bonus Action to feed on them, dealing 1d4 + your Physique modifier slashing damage and regaining Health equal to the damage dealt. If you pass a Legerdemain check versus their Perception when using this ability outside combat, this action goes unnoticed. You can do this once on a single target per 24 hours.

  • Aquatic Adaptation: you can hold your breath for a number of hours equal to your Psyche modifier, can see underwater as though it was dim light, and gain a swimming speed equal to your movement, on top of any swimming speed you might already have.

  • Toxicity: when you take damage, any people or creatures of your choice within 5 feet of you suffer poison or acid damage (choose when you take the perk) equal to your Psyche modifier. Additionally, as a Bonus Action, you can spit blood at an enemy up to 20 feet away as a ranged attack made with your Psyche modifier, suffering 1d4 Health damage in order to deal 1d8 + your Psyche modifier poison or acid damage.

  • Farsight: you can see out to one mile away with perfect clarity in bright or dim light. You also treat all ranged weapons as though they had a scope attached, and gain +2 to attack rolls against flying targets.

Depending on the ability or abilities you choose, you gain a visible alteration to your body: fang-like teeth, webbed fingers and toes, blue-coloured blood, or glimmering, silver-lined eyes. One Salt scar may be easy to hide, but if you accumulate more, others may notice and fear or shun you, especially if you use their associated abilities openly.

67. Beastslayer - Agility 12 or Survival 4

When monsters encroach on civilisation, someone has to keep them at bay. When you hit a creature of any size category larger than yourself with a ranged or melee attack, once per turn you can deal an extra 1d8 damage of your attack's damage type that ignores Damage Reduction and Resistance. Additionally, when a creature larger than you hits you with a melee attack you gain +4 Armour Class against all other attacks it makes against you for the rest of that turn.

68. Mad Minute - Legerdemain 4, Level 5

Countless hours of drill practise allows you to take your gun to its mechanical limits. When using a weapon with a Manual firing speed you now treat it as Semi-automatic when making Full Attacks. If the amount of ammunition your weapon holds would limit how many Full Attack shots you can make - for example, if you have a single-shot rifle - you reload for free during a Full Attack.

69. Hunter's Instincts - Psyche 14, Level 3

Your fighting senses are honed like a predator's. You add your Psyche modifier to all Initiative rolls, and on your first turn in each combat encounter your Speed is doubled. Additionally, all Attacks of Opportunity against you from enemies you can see or hear are made with Disadvantage.

70. Deft Deflection I/II - Agility 16, Level 3

Your supreme reflexes defend you from projectiles as well as any armour. You can use your Reaction to reduce the damage of an incoming ranged or thrown weapon attack by 1d10 + your Agility modifier + your level. If the attack's damage is reduced to 0 or less and you are unarmed or wearing a shield or similar equipment, you can catch or reflect the projectile and deal 1d6 + your Agility modifier in damage (using the projectile's damage type) to the attacker. With the second tier of this perk you can attempt to deflect grenades and similar projectiles that you're in the blast radius of by using your Reaction to force your opponent to roll 1d20 + their Physique modifier against your Agility; if they fail and you are unarmed or wearing a shield you can throw/deflect the projectile to any point within your throwing range, while if you are wielding a ranged or thrown weapon the projectile falls to the ground or explodes at a point of your choice between yourself and the attacker, and if you are wielding a melee weapon and no shield the projectile drops to the ground or explodes behind you just far enough away from you that you're outside of its blast radius.

71. Crippling Blow - Perception 14

You value precision and effect over direct damage. Once per round when you deal damage to an enemy with a melee or ranged attack (after Damage Reduction and Resistance are taken into account) you can trade damage for certain debuffs to your target, as long as it has compatible body parts:

  • Legs: the target's speed is reduced by 2 feet for every point of damage. If this would drop their speed to less than 0, they fall prone instead.

  • Arms: the target takes a penalty to their next attack roll of 1 per 2 points of damage.

  • Head/Eyes: the target's range is reduced by 2 feet for every point of damage.

These effects last until the beginning of your next turn.

72. Respite - Physique 14 or Medicine 2

You take a deep breath, steady yourself, and keep on fighting. As a Bonus Action, use up one of your Hit Dice to regain Health (1d8 + your Physique modifier). Any ally adjacent to you can use this ability as well on their own turn with your permission, using up their own Hit Die. This ability can be used a number of times equal to your Physique modifier, and you regain all uses after a short or long rest.

73. Hard-Headed - Intelligence 10 or less

There are some things in this world you just don't understand, and that doesn't bother you. You never take Will damage when using ancient devices or technology, and you can only be brought to 0 Will by an attack or horror that deals damage equal to or higher than your maximum Will - otherwise you remain comfortably at 1 Will. If you somehow reach 12 Intelligence, you lose the effects of this perk until you are back at 10 Intelligence where you belong.

74. Bulwark - Physique 14, Simple weapon proficiency

Wielding a mighty shield, you are the rock upon which your foes will break like water. When you or an ally you can see within 5 feet is hit by an attack, you can use your Reaction to roll 1d6 if you are wearing a shield or similar equipment. Add this amount to your target's Armour Class. Additionally, whenever an effect allows you to make an Agility save to reduce damage you can use your Reaction to take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, or half if you fail. Finally, you can treat your shield as a one-handed melee weapon with a damage die of 1d6 + Physique modifier bludgeoning, shoving opponents back 5 feet on a successful hit. If you make a standard action attack with a weapon other than your shield, you can make a Bonus Action attack with your shield but without your Physique or Agility added to the damage roll.

75. Stirring Performance - Performance 2

You sing songs that stir the heart, and play music that soothes the savage breast. Whenever you or an ally regains Health using Hit Dice, such as at the end of a short rest, you can aid their recuperation by singing a tune, playing an instrument you're proficient with, or doing a nice dance. Any allies who regained Health with at least one Hit Die in your presence gain can roll 1d6 + your Charisma modifier and gain the rolled amount as either restored Health or Will. Additionally, these allies gain a d4 Inspiration die that they can add to their next Skill check or saving throw made within 24 hours.

76. Battlesmith - Proficiency with any artisan's tools

The strongest weapons are those forged in the heat of battle. During a long rest, you can now spend some time modifying one piece of equipment of your choice: if it is armour or a shield it grants +1 Armour Class, if it is a weapon it gains +1 to attack and damage rolls, and if it is an explosive or trap it gains one extra die of damage. Because of the careful effort needed to maintain these modifications at a high quality they lose their effect at the end of each long rest unless you reapply them.

77. Lullaby - Performance 2

To sleep, perchance to dream. As a Full Action, you sing a song or play some music that, with a certain few notes played so perfectly and harmoniously, demands that a listener drift to sleep. Choose any target within 60 feet that can hear you, and roll a Performance check against their Psyche. If you succeed they immediately fall unconscious, dropping prone where they stand and remaining unconscious for eight hours unless they take damage or someone uses their Standard Action to jostle them awake. If your Performance check fails, you can use a Bonus Action to roll again against a different target. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and regain all expended uses at the end of a short or long rest.

78. Survivalist - Survival 2

A hard life at the mercy of nature has strengthened your body and soul. You gain a bonus to your Health and Will equal to your Survival skill. You also ignore 1 level of Exhaustion without penalties.

79. High Metabolism - Physique 14

Your wounds don't keep you down for long. Now, whenever you regain lost Health as a result of a die roll you gain an additional amount of Health equal to your Physique modifier. Your immune system is also strengthened, and you now roll with Advantage when making Physique saves against disease.

80. Life of the Party - Charisma 14

You can keep going all night and not even feel it in the morning. When you use chems, you can roll using your choice of Charisma, Physique, or Psyche modifier and with Advantage to determine if you suffer addiction. Additionally, you can use chems on your turn as a Bonus Action.

81. Flying High - Psyche 12

When you get high, you stay high. When you use chems and roll to determine how long they last, you can reroll the result a number of times equal to your Psyche modifier, regaining all uses of this ability after a short or long rest. All chems also gain one additional usage for you.

82. Cosmic Attunement - Esoterica 4
Your exposure to the Salt has changed your perception of reality. As a Standard Action on your turn you can enter a state of heightened perception that lasts 10 minutes or until you are incapacitated, in which you can see a few seconds into the future. While in this state, you can use your Reaction to give any roll made by you or that affects you Advantage or Disadvantage; you can also apply this to rolls that affect others - say, an attack roll against a friend - by informing them of what future your sight predicts. This state is treated as a status effect, and while it is active your eyes take on an eerie silvery glow. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Psyche modifier, and regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.

83. Light Step - Acrobatics 2, Physique no higher than 11
Like a wild cat, you are as quick as you are careful. You can now move through spaces occupied by another person or creature as though they were normal terrain, though if they are hostile to you this movement can provoke an Attack of Opportunity. You also have Advantage on rolls to avoid triggering movement-based traps like pressure plates, tripwires, and mines, and if two people both have this perk, they can occupy the same space without any penalties. If your Physique reaches 12 or higher, you lose the effects of this perk until it becomes 11 or lower once again.

84. Black Marketeer - Savoir Faire 2
Your contacts or your know-how have revealed to you the secret hideouts and signs of the illicit merchants of the world. With this perk, in any settlement you can spend an hour finding out the location of a black market where you can trade illicit, suspicious, or exotic goods such as rare weapons and ammunition, military surplus, potent chems, and other useful items. The available stock is determined by the size of the settlement: cities will have thriving black markets, while a village might just have a single shady tupakka dealer.

85. Sticky Fingers - Legerdemain 2

When you're around, things tend to go missing from pockets. You now no longer have to make a Sneak check in addition to Legerdemain when trying to pick someone's pocket, and you are also able to plant things on people just as surreptitiously as swiping them. Additionally, when you use thieves' tools to pick a lock or open something that requires a light touch, you can add half your Legerdemain Skill level to the roll.

86. My Last Breath - Psyche 12
You always get the last laugh, even in the face of death. When you are reduced to 0 Health/Will or less, you gain one Reaction with which you can do anything you normally could do with a Reaction, or make a single attack (or anything you could replace an attack with). Any one roll made as a result of this special Reaction can be rerolled once at your discretion before a result is determined from it, and you can choose either roll to use as the result. If you take any damage before you go unconscious after using this ability, it does not add failed death/collapse saves. You can use this ability once per long rest.

87. Grand Gourmand - Lore 4

You know food as other people know a lover: intimately and often. You gain a new Secondary Statistic called Appetite, which is equal to 3 + your Physique modifier. Whenever you eat anything, it is valued on a scale from 1 to 5 depending on its gastronomic satisfaction: a 1 would be a small snack, like a handful of salted biscuits; a 2 would be something like an apple; a 3 would be a regular sandwich or equivalent; a 4 would be a large burguesa or a steak; and a 5 would be a whole single course meal. Depending on the value of what you eat, it heals you for 1d2 to 1d10 Health as well as half the rolled amount (rounded down) in Will. Whatever you eat subtracts its value from your Appetite; any excess offers no healing and might just give you cramps, and if you eat something with a greater value than your remaining Appetite, you only heal as if its value was equal to the remainder. If you sit down for a large, full meal that takes at least about an hour to finish, it heals you of up to one level of Exhaustion as well. Your Appetite score refills after a long rest, or if you otherwise lose the contents of your stomach.

88. Rambler's Eyes - Esoterica 2

Whether you found them during your adventures or under your pillow one night, you've been chosen by the Rambler's Eyes. They are a pair of six-sided dice made of animal bone and engraved with squid ink, one of 64 pairs said to exist, though no one knows their origin - they simply appear and disappear through a will entirely their own. With these dice on your person, as a Bonus Action you can make a gamble and roll the dice (on the ground, or thrown and caught in a free hand). When you declare your gamble, you have to both state your stakes (what you want to gain) and your conditions (how winning is determined). Conditions can be either higher/lower than a certain number, or an exact number on the dice, with the latter offering higher potential rewards. Stakes demand an equivalent penalty if you lose: for example, you can gamble a critical hit, getting an automatic critical hit on your next roll if you win, or guaranteeing the next roll against you is a critical hit if you lose. This is something you negotiate with the Cosmic Dealer (the GM) when you make a gamble. You can use the Rambler's Eyes safely once per long rest; using them again before then can cause disastrous results. If you ever lose the Rambler's Eyes for whatever reason, they reappear in your hand at the end of your next long rest.

89. Saltlore - Esoterica 2

Exposure to the Salt has given you a rare sense, one that allows you to see and endure the Salt. You can now much more easily perceive the Salt: it appears in your vision as strange distortions in the air and on the landscape, like jagged black holes cut into a painting, and it sounds like the rustle of aspen leaves in the summer; it smells like a fond memory you can never relive. You can also sense the coming of a Salt storm up to 24 hours before it arrives in your area with an Esoterica check (plus your Perception modifier), and if you are within 10 feet of organic material, you can tell if it has been afflicted by the Salt. As an additional prerequisite to taking this perk, you must have been exposed to the Salt at some point in your background or during your adventures.

90. Strength in Numbers - Intelligence 14
Like a pack of wolves, you strike at the weakest in the herd with deadly ferocity. If you and at least one other ally are within 5 feet and on opposite sides of an enemy, you gain Advantage on all attack rolls against that enemy.

91. Harmless - Sneak 4

You're the type that looks like you couldn't hurt a fly, and your foes underestimate you. In combat, enemies will always prioritise other targets over you as long as you haven't taken hostile actions against them. You can still get caught in area of effect attacks, however.

92. Natural Bond I/II - Animalia 2

You have been accepted by a wild creature as one of its own. You gain a loyal animal companion that will defend you, fight for you, and do simple tasks for you so long as it's able. It can be any creature Medium or smaller that is native to the regions of Andover and Carlia: wolf, badger, giant adder, bay shark, mule, bullhound, boar, or many others. The bond you have with this creature ends only with the death of you or it, and if you lose your animal companion, you can find another one of the same type after 24 hours. If you have temporarily befriended another type of animal with a different ability, and you either have no animal companion or are taking this perk for the first time, then you can make that animal your companion even if it does not fit the requirements above. In combat it always takes its turn immediately after yours, and can be given verbal commands which it will follow as best it can. Absent commands, or if you are incapacitated, it will either attack whoever is attacking you or try to attack the same target as you. With the second tier of this perk your animal companion gains Health equal to your Animalia Skill level, and gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to your Psyche, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier, whichever is highest.

93. Penetrating Fire - Perception 14

When you have someone dead in your sights, little can get in your way. As long as you know exactly where an enemy is - such as an ally having line of sight to them - you can target them with ranged or thrown attacks. Additionally, you treat full cover as three-quarters cover, three-quarters cover as half cover, and half cover as a regular target, for the purposes of making attack rolls with ranged and thrown weapons.

94. And Stay Back I/II - Athletics 4

You will not yield. When you are wielding a weapon with the Reach property, you have +1 Armour Class against foes within your weapon's reach but who are not adjacent to you. If you have not moved since your last turn this Armour Class bonus increases to +2, and you gain a +3 bonus on all Athletics checks to avoid being moved against your will. Additionally, when you are wielding a weapon with the Reach property and you make an attack as part of a Standard or Full Action, against an enemy within 5 feet of you, you can make a Bonus Action attack with the blunt reverse end of your weapon that uses your Physique modifier and deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. If this attack is successful and the target is no more than one size category larger than you, they are shoved back 5 feet. With the second tier of this perk you can also use your Reaction to make an Attack of Opportunity against an enemy that enters the range of your Reach weapon, and if your Bonus Action attack scores a critical hit, your enemy is shoved back 10 feet.

95. Take Heart - Authority 4, Charisma 14

When you stand resolute and fearless on the battlefield, your allies are filled with hope. Friendly people and creatures within 10 feet of you, excluding yourself, gain a bonus to all their saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier so long as you are not incapacitated. Whenever you succeed on a saving throw, you regain lost Will equal to your Charisma modifier.

96. Poison Expert - Proficiency with Poisoner's Kits

While others like to charge in with rifles and blades, you prefer subtler ways of taking down your enemies. When you deal poison damage, roll an extra die. Poisons you apply to weapons and ammunition last an additional number of minutes equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you add your Intelligence modifier to rolls you make to harvest poisons and toxins with your Poisoner's Kit. Additionally, you have Advantage on saving throws to avoid taking Poison damage yourself.

97. Heavy Weave - Savoir Faire 2
Your experience with rough urban life have taught you how to subtly keep yourself safe from danger. You have modified all your everyday outfits to be resistant to scrapes and slashes and leave no excess fabric to get caught on anything, giving you +1 Armour Class when wearing clothing and no armour. Additionally, you have +10 ft. Speed while in urban environments.

98. Weird Wielder - Legerdemain 4
You're become accustomed to using weapons in ways they're not meant to be used. You can wield Two Handed and Heavy weapons with just one hand, but attack rolls you make when using them this way are made with Disadvantage. Additionally, you can use your Agility in place of your Physique for attack and damage rolls with any melee weapon you can hold with one hand, not just Light weapons.

99. Skill Expert

Better a Jack of all trades than a master of none - but better still to be a master of one. You gain proficiency and one point in three Skills of your choice, and can choose to replace two of these Skill proficiencies with a language, or one or more with a weapon or tool proficiency. Additionally, choose any one Skill you are proficient in, and add a permanent bonus to it equal to its associated Primary Statistic modifier.

100. Expert Equestrian - Animalia 2
You ride into battle on your noble steed, cape billowing in the wind. When you are mounted and not incapacitated, you have Advantage on melee attack rolls against any unmounted person or creature that is smaller than your mount. You can also force an attack aimed at your mount to target you instead (or vice versa), and if your mount is hit by an effect like a grenade that can be mitigated by an Agility save, it takes no damage on a successful save and half damage even on a failed save. Additionally, you have Advantage on saving throws to avoid falling off your mount (such as effects that would make you prone), and mounting and dismounting only costs you 5 feet of movement rather than half your speed.

101. Got Better - Level 2, Any Trait
An affliction that once hounded you is no more. Remove whatever Trait you have, and replace it with any perk you meet the prerequisites for.

102. Ancestral Guidance - Lore 2

When the present seems bleak, you look to the past for wisdom. Whenever you make an attack roll, saving throw, or Skill or Primary Statistic check, before the result is determined you can roll again and use either result. You can do this a number of times equal to twice your Intelligence modifier, and regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.

103. Surgical Shelling - Intelligence 12
Your sheer firepower is enough to topple the sturdiest of foes. When you deal damage to a person or creature with a weapon that does explosive damage or has the Scattershot property, ignore up to 3 points of Armour Rating against your weapon's damage type. Additionally, people or creatures damaged in this way must make a Physique save against 10 + your Intelligence (for explosive damage) or Perception (for Scattershot weapons) or be knocked prone.

104. Gifted Gambits I/II - Legerdemain 4
Your fighting style is unorthodox and a bit nasty, but it works. You gain access to a number of
Gambit dice equal to half your Legerdemain skill level, rounded up. These are d6 dice, and you can spend them to perform unique combat gambits. When you choose this perk, you gain access to your choice of two of the following abilities:

  • Low Blow: when you hit an enemy with an attack within 5 feet (or 10 feet if your weapon has Reach), spend one Gambit die to follow up with a swift blow to a sensitive spot. You add the rolled number to your attack's damage, and your target loses their Reaction and has their Speed halved until the beginning of your next turn.

  • Slip Away: when an enemy attacks you within 5 feet of you or with a melee or unarmed attack, you can spend a Gambit die to increase your Armour Class by the number rolled. If the attack misses you can move to any unoccupied space within 5 feet (or the space currently occupied by your enemy), and if you do they move to the space you occupied before moving. You can use this ability even after a hit has been confirmed, as long as damage has not yet been rolled.

  • Misdirection: when an enemy makes an unarmed or melee attack against you and misses, you can spend a Gambit die and add the result to the enemy's attack roll. If this attack would now hit another person or creature of your choice within range of their weapon, the enemy deals damage to that target as normal.

  • Concluding Blow: when you successfully hit an enemy with a Light weapon attack, you can spend a Gambit die to follow up with another strike or shot, which has no attack roll and immediately deals damage equal to the Gambit die result. This damage ignores Damage Reduction/Protection, and if this free attack would require you to reload your weapon first, you do so for free.

  • Eyeshot: when you hit an enemy within 10 feet of you with an attack, you can spend a Gambit die to pick up sand, mud, or just spit in their eyes. They are Blinded and lose their Reaction until the beginning of your next turn, and the next attack made against them has a bonus to its roll equal to the number rolled on your Gambit die.

Any movement caused by these abilities does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. Additionally, whenever you gain a level you can swap out your known gambits for any two others. With the second tier of this perk you can learn two more gambits for a total of four, and your dice increase to d8.

105. Second Wind - Psyche 12, Level 4

No matter how much you fight, you're always raring to go. On your first turn in a combat encounter, you can immediately regain one use of any limited-use combat ability that you have as long as it allows for more than one use per short or long rest.

106. Battlerager - Physique 16

You embody the legendary, reckless ferocity of the feared forest-warriors of bygone days. When you are not wearing any clothing or armour that grants an Armour Class bonus, you calculate your Armour Class as 10 + your Physique modifier + your Agility modifier. Additionally, when using you are not wearing any clothing or armour with Armour Class bonuses you can enter a powerful berserk state in which you gain Resistance to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage, and have Advantage on saves against mind-altering effects. This state lasts for 1 minute or until you end your turn without having attacked or taken damage this turn; if you are under the effects of a chem when you go berserk roll the duration die for that chem again and extend its duration by the rolled amount, and your berserk state now ends when the chem effects wear off. You can use this ability once per short or long rest.

107. Sharpshooter - Perception 12

When your shot hits its mark, it hits hard. When you roll damage for a ranged attack, you can reroll any 1 or 2 and use either result, even if the second result is also a 1 or 2. You also gain +2 damage with thrown weapon attacks.