Weapon Properties

Ame no Woto features a diverse roster of weapons, made more diverse in order to portray firearms that have their own unique qualities. Weapons of all types each have basic properties, and these in combination with one another make weapons different from one another. On this page is a list of all weapon properties along with a description.

Heavy -- this weapon can (sadly) never be used for dual-wielding, requires a minimum Physique of 13 to use, and if it is a firearm, must be fired while kneeling or prone. If modifications cause a non-Heavy weapon to exceed 15 lbs. weight, it gains the Heavy property.

Light -- attacks with this weapon can be made with Agility rather than Physique for melee weapons, and it can be easily concealed.

Silent -- for firearms only, this weapon has its loud sound and bright flash suppressed, making it usable for stealth and sneak attacks.

Unreliable -- this weapon critically fails on a roll of 1-2 rather than just 1.

Reliable -- if you critically miss with this weapon, you can roll twice on the Critical Miss table and choose either result.

Precision -- this weapon rolls one additional damage die on a critical hit.

AP -- this weapon ignores Armour Rating against its damage type - but not Protection.

Versatile -- this weapon can be used with one or two hands, or has an alternate damage type.

Two-Handed -- this weapon must be used with two hands.

Reach -- this weapon has a melee attack range of 10 feet, or longer if specified.

Thrown -- this weapon is made to be thrown, with a range of 20 + 10 x your Physique modifier in feet.

Scattershot -- this weapon fires multiple projectiles, multiplying Armour Rating against its damage type by the number of dice rolled. This weapon's damage dice are halved against targets beyond the weapon's range rather than attacking with Disadvantage, and increased by 1 die against targets within 1/4 of the weapon's range.

Explosive -- this weapon uses explosive/grenade rules (see Combat) instead of regular weapon rules.

Burst -- this firearm uses Burst Fire rules for its Full Action attacks, damage specified in the weapon's description.

Accuracy -- for firearms and crossbows, the modifier added to attack rolls (when applicable), followed by the bonus/penalty.

Firing Rate -- detailed in Combat. Every firearm and crossbow has one, while bows don't technically have to reload.

Special -- this weapon has weird rules too specific to get its own category that are instead detailed in its description.