Ame no Woto

Finding the truth of this world, no matter the cost.

A Post Apocalyptic Role Playing Game

Nine hundred years ago, the universe came to an end and was born anew.

The fire and light of the Conflagration restored warmth to the cosmic ash that forms this earth and its creatures, and civilisation has risen again. This is another chance given to us by the cosmos, to ensure we avoid the mistakes of the Last World. Yet the past will not give us that peace, and the the ancient winds blowing from the north bring with them the Salt of the Barren Days, falling upon us like a fell shadow. It consumed the world once; it may yet do so again.

Once more nation rises up against nation, and once more there are storms looming across the Withern Sea. Amidst this chaos, you emerge: the last, best hope of humanity. Fare thee well.

A letter arrived for you today - courier says it's for your eyes only. You hem your thumb along the edge, breaking the seal and slipping out the contents. You look up briefly, wondering if anyone can see you, then your eyes return to the parchment, reading each line intently.

"The Armed Forces of His Majesty's Government... gradual encroachment of the Salt... unknown lands... scouts report activity aligning with..."

It's a mission. No - an offer. One that you, in your circumstances, accept. Why you? You have your reasons for accepting, but perhaps there's some other reason the office of the king might be interested in you. Misdeeds - or virtues? It's a team being assembled, so the letter says, and you're one of four or five being given this special task. A paying task, of course: supplies free of charge on arrival, and 1,000 crowns to each of you should you come back alive and with information on the Salt.

The Salt? You've heard of it - maybe knew somebody who got sick from it. "Stay away from Seven Towns next July" goes the rumour, but it's just a rumour. According to the letter there's a village of Dalefolk far to the north in the mountains, an especially reclusive group, and they're staying in their land despite the Salt sweeping across the forest they live in. Something no one else has managed to do and survive. Some Dalefolk in Andover claim to have lived in this village once, and they know its leader by name: Elys, a queen or chieftess, who apparently can speak to the trees, and they all live in one great big one that thrives on the Salt. We - the royal we - need to know the truth behind all this. The money's good, and it's a crisp autumn. September 883. The Salt is receding, so the scholars estimate, at least for now. The perfect time - maybe the only time - to investigate this phenomenon.

An address is enclosed: 14 Lawrence Passage, just off the central boulevard of Andover a hundred feet from the river. A quiet place, where you'll meet the others. Another location is included: a dead drop, mapped out in fine ink. The location of your promised supplies. They're trusting you - almost desperate, aren't they? You have three days to make a decision and to prepare. Sounds like you'll be making some new friends soon, and getting some fresh woodland air.

And that last, cryptic sentence: finding the truth of this world, no matter the cost...