
A magical power that manifests itself to all principals.


  • Rating: 10
  • Wounds: 1 with an extremely powerful effect
  • A medium Area of Effect spell that attaches to a physical object. The physical object ricochets until it runs out of momentum. This spell allows Amelia to deny an area of cover. Not as commonly used due to the fact that it's rather indiscriminate. But better for her to have it and not need it.


  • Rating: 15
  • Wounds: 2 with an extremely powerful effect
  • The strongest direct spell that Amelia can use without suffering from Magical Overextertion. If Explosion is a frag grenade in bullet form, then Piercer is an Anti-Tank round or a lightsaber depending on the object she uses it on. Amelia prefers to cast it on bullets which is best used in conjuction with her eyes, but she originally used it on objects so she could break locks.
    • Lasts 1 Turn on an object.
    • Notes: The spell Amelia used to show John her varied powers with stabbing the piece of wire into the wall..
    • Additional notes: Line spell due to its penetrating power or added onto physical object.


  • Rating: 15
  • Wounds: 0 with an extremely powerful effect
  • A noncombat spell that allows Amelia and objects she touches to phase through physical objects she wants to go through. Allows Amelia to pull a disappearing act on enemies, access to rooms without breaking them open, or with a sleight of hand pickpocket an object in a container on a person.
    • Combat Usage: 1 Turn
    • Non-Combat Usage: Approximately 2-3 Minutes

Vanquish (Trump)

  • Rating: 40
  • Cost: 40
  • A "combination" spell that Amelia has created for explicit use with one of her guns. Combines the intangibility of Spook Vestige, the raw power of Piercer, and the lethal bouncing of Explosion. This spell ignores cover until Amelia decides, pierces any spell protection if any, and reflects for a short time. There are two ways of using this spell. First one is the most direct usage where she shoots it through cover, it explodes, and then wipes out a small area with a strong ricocheting round. The second method absolutely ensures one target's demise. Amelia disables the intangibility inside of the target and lets the round ricochet inside of them causing massive damage to one person.

Additional notes:

Trial and error with "Amelia" has revealed that giving the same drugs used artificially awaken a Principal to a naturally awoken Principal lowers the Conceits' natural strength but allows them to use more but weaker Conceits. Much to our regret, the experiment has also caused "Amelia" to lose some of her natural capacity and output as a Principal.