Syllabus Checklist & Contract Language

Chabot College Arts, Media & Communication Syllabus Tips

Contract Language

9B. Syllabus Requirement

By the end of the first full week of classes, unit members shall submit to their appropriate Administrator a copy of a Syllabus for each course taught. For short-term classes, submission shall be by the end of the second class meeting. For online classes, submission shall be by the end of the first week of classes.

The Syllabus shall include:

  1. The Instructional Faculty person’s information (name, office number, phone, voicemail, and Chabot-Las Positas Community College email address);
  2. Office hours, textbook(s), and course supplies (required supplements and/or recommended text, special required supplies);
  3. An explanation of the manner in which final grades will be calculated;
  4. Dates to know including: last day for “W”, date and time of Final Examination, and the deadline to apply for Federal Financial Aid—or, alternatively, in the case of an online syllabus, a link to;
  5. Other supplemental information, including safety requirements;
  6. The Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) associated with that course, which could be provided as text or links;

7. Information about disability accommodations and campus services, which could be provided as text or links, (sample language below)

      • “Please see me after class or email me as soon as possible if you require accommodations such as extended time on tests or a note taker to be successful in class.”

In addition to the above, the syllabus should include the following as text, or as links to the appropriate college’s website:

8. A statement of student rights and responsibilities;

9. Expectations regarding behavioral standards per school policy;

      • How you will communicate with students if you have to cancel class for an emergency or if you are sick (it is your responsibility to email them and to let the office know).

10. A summary of course content and expectations (general course content, course objectives, and prerequisites);

11. Attendance and plagiarism policies. (sample language below)

      • “Per Chabot policy, students who miss three consecutive or six cumulative hours of class may be dropped. If you must be absent from class for a significant reason, contact me to explain either by email or in person.”
      • “Plagiarism is the handing in of someone else’s work or ideas as your own, whether intentional or not. Plagiarism is a serious offence; any student found plagiarizing can receive and F in the course and possible administrative penalties ranging from probation to suspension”

The appropriate Administrator shall notify unit members for whom there is no Syllabus on record or if a Syllabus is submitted with deficiencies. The appropriate Administrator shall provide a receipt of acceptance of the Syllabus to the unit member upon written request by the unit member.