Equitable access to safe and effective vaccines is critical to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is hugely encouraging to see so many vaccines proving and going into development. WHO is working tirelessly with partners to develop, manufacture and deploy safe and effective vaccines.

Safe and effective vaccines are a game-changing tool: but for the foreseeable future we must continue wearing masks, cleaning our hands, ensuring good ventilation indoors, physically distancing and avoiding crowds.

Being vaccinated does not mean that we can throw caution to the wind and put ourselves and others at risk, particularly because research is still ongoing into how much vaccines protect not only against disease but also against infection and transmission.

But it’s not vaccines that will stop the pandemic, it’s vaccination. We must ensure fair and equitable access to vaccines, and ensure every country receives them and can roll them out to protect their people, starting with the most vulnerable.

All COVID-19 vaccines approved by WHO for emergency use listing have been through randomized clinical trials to test their quality, safety and efficacy. To be approved, vaccines are required to have a high efficacy rate of 50% or above. After approval, they continue to be monitored for ongoing safety and effectiveness. But what is the difference between efficacy and effectiveness?

A vaccine’s efficacy is measured in a controlled clinical trial and is based on how many people who got vaccinated developed the ‘outcome of interest’ (usually disease) compared with how many people who got the placebo (dummy vaccine) developed the same outcome. Once the study is complete, the numbers of sick people in each group are compared, in order to calculate the relative risk of getting sick depending on whether or not the subjects received the vaccine. From this we get the efficacy – a measure of how much the vaccine lowered the risk of getting sick. If a vaccine has high efficacy, a lot fewer people in the group who received the vaccine got sick than the people in the group who received the placebo.

So, for example, let’s imagine a vaccine with a proven efficacy of 80%. This means that – out of the people in the clinical trial – those who received the vaccine were at a 80% lower risk of developing disease than the group who received the placebo. This is calculated by comparing the number of cases of disease in the vaccinated group versus the placebo group. An efficacy of 80% does not mean that 20% of the vaccinated group will become ill.

Government of India is taking all necessary steps to ensure that the nation is prepared to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing contagion of COVID-19. The exemplary groundwork and precaution advisory by the Government has helped in containing the spread of the virus in our country. At present, the priority is to make COVID -19 vaccine available to all, ensuring vaccine traceability and beneficiary tracking from production to last mile administration. COVID-19 vaccination drive was initiated to cover healthcare and frontline workers and scaled up to cover citizens above 45 years of age. Now, the vaccination has opened up to cover all citizens aged 18 years and above. Co-WIN application is the digital back bone for the vaccination drive in India. With scaling up of vaccination; the number of vaccination facilities and sessions has to be increased and managed effectively. The CO-WIN application will facilitate the citizen with an option to register and schedule the vaccination session online in Centers of their choice. The Citizen self-registration module will ensure fool-proof identification of deserving candidates for receiving the vaccines. The Co-WIN application facilitates multiple role creations for orchestrating vaccination drive at various levels. The objective of the document is to handhold the citizens to register and schedule an appointment for vaccination.

Register with the Get Vaccinated system

You can register yourself or someone else, like a parent or grandparent. We will never ask you for your SIN, driver's licence number or banking and credit card details.

Fastest option: Register online

To register online, you must provide:

  • First and last name

  • Date of birth

  • Postal code

  • An email address that gets checked regularly or a phone number that can receive text messages

It doesn't matter if you are a Indian citizen or not. Register even if you have already received dose 1 in another location. All of your information will be kept private and will never be shared with other agencies or parts of government.

Make an appointment or drop-in

Book your appointment online or by phone

Using your confirmation number, select a location, date and time. You can do this online or by phone.

If needed the appointment can be rescheduled at any time. In case you do not go for vaccination on the date of appointment, you can reschedule the appointment by clicking on “Reschedule” tab after signing in.


What to expect at the vaccine clinic

Here are some precautions patients should take during hospitalization against COVID-19

■ Before booking an appointment for a procedure, it's important to inform the doctor or hospital staff about your health and ensure you opt for a COVID-19 test.

■ It's important for all patients to wear a mask before entering the hospital. Please ask the hospital to provide one in case you forget.

■ Contact the hospital before visiting and ask them about their safety procedures before making an appointment.

■ Ensure that the hospital has increased the cleaning frequency for all high traffic surface areas with certified coronavirus killing disinfectants and thorough cleansing is done after each patient is checked to ensure the safety of the next patient.

Arrive prepared

Get ready for your appointment:

  • You do not need to fast. Be sure to drink water

  • Bring your booking confirmation and photo ID

  • Wear a short-sleeved shirt and a mask. You will be provided a mask if you need one

  • Arrive a few minutes before your scheduled appointment time

You can bring one person with you for support. All clinics are wheelchair accessible.

During the appointment

At the clinic you will:

  • Check-in with your photo ID and booking confirmation. For modesty, you can ask for a private location to get your shot

  • Get either the Covishield or Covaxin vaccine dose. A choice will not be offered

  • If it's your second dose, the clinic will try to match you with the same vaccine you had before

  • Wait in an observation area after your shot for about 15 minutes

  • To get the most effective protection against serious cases of COVID-19, you need two doses of vaccine. You're not fully protected until you've have both doses.

  • Approximately 84 days after your first dose, you will get an invitation by text, email or phone call to book your second dose appointment. Like your first appointment, you'll select a location, date and time.

Information for people who are moderately to severely immunocompromised

People with moderately to severely compromised immune systems will generally have lower antibody responses from two COVID-19 vaccine doses. Studies show that giving a third dose to complete the initial vaccine series can help these individuals create antibodies to protect them from COVID-19.

People who are moderately to severely immunocompromised and meet the criteria will receive a third dose of vaccine.

The following features will be available for the Citizen in Self Registration module

• Register for a vaccination session (with a choice of registering additional 3 members)

• Selection of Vaccination center of convenience based on the vaccine name

• Schedule vaccination as per slot availability at a Center

• Cancel/Reschedule Vaccination


User can go to the URL and click on “Register/Sign In yourself” tab

• Enter valid mobile number. Click on “Get OTP” button.

• OTP is sent at the phone number via SMS.

• Enter the OTP within 180 seconds and click on “Verify” button.

• Once the OTP is validated, the “Register for Vaccination” page appears • Enter details required in page

The below table shows the details to be entered in the “Register for Vaccination” page. Please note that all fields in this Form are Mandatory

Once the details are entered for registration, Click “Register” Button at the bottom right. ► The below table shows the details to be entered in the “Register for Vaccination” page. Please note that all fields in this Form are Mandatory Citizen must carry selected ID at the time of vaccination. Receives Confirmation message on successful registration.


Once registration is completed; the system will show the “Account Details”

• Citizen can further add 3 more people linked with this mobile number by clicking on “Add More” button at the bottom right side of the Page

Enter all the details of the individual to be included and then click on the Add button


• Citizen can Delete individuals linked with his mobile number

Login with username and password, and Navigate to the dashboard.

Click “ DELETE” action button to Delete a member

• Confirmation message will appear on Deletion

Booking Appointment for Vaccination

• Citizen can schedule Appointment from the “Account Details” page.

• Click on “Schedule” button for Booking Vaccination Appointment

• System navigates to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page

• Search the Vaccination Centre of choice by District or Pin code

Search by district option

  • Select the State/UT from the drop down

  • Select District from the drop down menu

  • Click on “Search”

Search by pincode option

  • Enter the local pincode

  • Click on “Search”

• On clicking “Search” button, system will display below the list of Vaccination centre as per Search Criteria and based on State’s Age policy

• Centre Names available nearby as per state/district or pincode entered will be displayed

• On clicking any centre at the panel, the available slots (date and capacity) will be displayed

• Once “Book” button is clicked, the “Appointment Confirmation” page is displayed

• Click “Confirm” button after verifying the details for final confirmation on booking

• Once confirmed, the confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed

Rescheduling an Appointment

• Once the Appointment is fixed, it can be cancelled and rescheduled at any later stage but before the vaccination appointment day.

• For this, Re-login to “Citizen Registration” module; with your already registered mobile no.

How to Re-Login to “Citizen Registration Module?

  • Click on “Reschedule” to re-schedule an already booked appointment.

  1. Citizen is directed to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page; wherein citizen can Search for revised Centre and date

  2. Once the new Date and Centre are selected; Click “Book” to reschedule

  3. Confirm by clicking “ Confirm” of the revised Schedule

  4. Once confirmed, the confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed

Search new Slot and Book

• In case the user has moved to another city, appointment can be rescheduled for the nearest vaccination centre in that city.

Booking appointment for Dose 2

• The process for booking appointment is similar as Dose 1.

• Citizen can schedule Appointment for Dose 2 from the “Account Details” page

• Click on “Schedule” button for Booking Vaccination Appointment

• System navigates to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page

• Search the Vaccination Centre of choice by District or Pin code

• Appointment for second dose will be reflected in the account details page

• Citizen can Cancel, Reschedule, or print appointment slip for dose 2 appointment from this page