let's fight against covid-19

Dos and Dont's


use sanitizers when:

  • If soap and water is not available, use sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol

  • Any other public place or situation where soap and water isn’t available

  • Before and after visiting a hospital, nursing home or any health facility

  • Wash hands with soap and water frequently.

  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  • When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with handkerchief or tissue. Dispose of the used tissue in a closed bin.

  • Avoid close contact with anyone with cold, cough or flu like symptoms.

  • Maintain safe distance of at least 1 meter from others.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

  • Use a face mask:

a) If you have symptoms (cough, fever or difficulty in breathing).

b) You are caring for a COVID-19 suspect/confirmed patient.

c) You are a health worker.

d) You have a job that entails public interaction such as cashier/helper at a

grocery store, security guards at a housing society, etc.

  • If you have cough, fever or difficulty in breathing, contact a doctor immediately.

wash your hands with soap and water


  • wet hand with water

  • Apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces

  • Rub palm to palm

  • Rotational rubbing of left thumb clasped in right palm & vice versa

  • Palm to palm with fingers interlaced

  • Back of hands

  • Focus on wrists

  • Rinse with water and your hands are safe


  • After coughing or sneezing

  • Before and after caring for a sick person or treating a cut wound

  • After using or cleaning the bathroom

  • After touching an animal, its food or waste

  • Before and after eating or preparing food

  • After touching garbage or anytime your hands appear visibly dirty/greasy



  • Any outsider housemaid / domestic help not allowed during the lockdown period and it is advised that their wage should not be deducted for this period.

  • S/he should wash their hand / sanitise every time s/he goes out for essential items.

  • During the day s/he should be told to wash her/his hand thoroughly and frequently with soap and running water.

  • Maintain a safe distance with domestic help. Don’t stay close to him/her all the time for giving instructions.

  • If s/he is having any symptom of Corona, they should not be asked to isolate/home quarantine.

  • If s/he is having any symptom of Corona, s/he should be taken for testing and medical check-up immediately. Provide him/her with necessary support for getting medical help immediately.


  • Minimum staff to be called for essential operations of the Bank / Insurance / ATMs.

  • Keep sufficient cash in ATMs

  • Office premises and ATMs should be sanitised frequently.

  • All staff and visitor entering Banks / Insurance offices should sanitise their hands while entering and going out and also wash their hands frequently during the day.

  • Person dealing with cash should sanitise very frequently, after every transaction.

  • Banks/Insurance offices should make arrangements for customers to stand at one metre distance from counters.

  • Provision should be made that only one customer comes to counter at a time and others to wait inside or outside but maintaining a distance of 1 – 1.5 m

  • ATM guards should be provided with sanitizers and they should ask every customer to sanitize every customer while coming and going out.

  • Only one person to be allowed to enter per ATM at a time. Person waiting outside the ATM should stand 1 – 1.5 m away from the ATM door

  • Banks / Insurance offices should place their check drop box outside the bank so that those coming only for dropping of check need not enter the bank.

  • Person attending to enquiries should sit near entry point so that customer need not go unnecessarily form one counter to other.


  • Essential commodity and services to remain available to all. So keep your shop open as per directions of the appropriate authority

  • There should be no hoarding of items to create artificial scarcity

  • Commodities / Services should not be charged extra than their specified rates.

  • Sanitise your hand frequently, preferably each time, after delivery of items or receiving payments (cash or card).

  • Don’t allow many customers to crowd.

  • Shop owner should make arrangements for others to wait outside at a distance of 1 – 1.5 metre and should enter one by one when a person comes out. Some marks may be created for safe distancing.

  • As far as possible, any helper should take out the items needed by customer and not allow all customers to pick their own items, to avoid multiple contacts.

  • The helper should also frequently sanitise his/her hand.

  • Make arrangements or ask customers to keep a safe distance (1 – 1.5 metre) from the counter.

  • Person at the counter or helper in the shop should wear mask

For care of kids :

  • Keep social distance with children.

  • Advise them not to touch nose, mouth, etc.

  • Advise them not to handshake or hug with others.

  • Keep them busy in toys, reading books, play games in laptop.

  • Keep them busy with online education programs.

  • Encourage and help in online education programs of the school.

  • Discourage strictly - any gathering, group playing and other social gatherings

  • Avoid using playground, parks, etc

  • Educate child not to touch doorknobs, remote controls, etc

  • Ensure regular hand wash for 20 seconds.

  • Keep separate towels for children and change regularly.


  • Protect yourself from exposure. Try to maintain a distance of at least 1 metre from other persons, particularly those exhibiting the above symptoms. Practice proper hand hygiene and do NOTtouch your face with unwashed hands.

  • Do not touch the documents you are checking

  • Stop the people at a distance from you.

  • Always wear face masks and dispose them off safely, periodically / or use hand sanitizers

  • Wear protective gear when posted near hospitals/quarantine facilities.

  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The symptoms may include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Symptoms after exposure can appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 days.

  • Follow standard procedures for containing and laundering uniforms

  • After duty when you go home, wash your used cloths thoroughly


  • Avoid crowded transport modes as far as possible. Use of cab-aggregation may be limited unless absolutely unavoidable. If using permitted public transport, keep social distance. Sanitise your hands once you de-board.

  • Walking in deserted or less dense areas without physical contact is considered okay. One meter mandatory physical distance is mandatory.

  • When you return home from office, shopping, etc. discard your clothes and wash your hands and feet thoroughly. As a good practice, keep a jacket or a sweat-shirt for going out, which you can remove once you reach office or home.

  • Keep drinking water or other fluids regularly.

  • Most importantly do not touch hands anywhere on face.

Old Age Homes :

  • Maintain personal distance of at least 1 metre from each other.

  • Follow general guidelines on regularly washing hands, avoiding crowds, and practicing social distancing.

  • Maintain personal hygiene by washing hands for 20 seconds with soap or hand sanitizers containing 60% alcohol.

  • Caregivers should practice extra precaution themselves and the family should have a backup plan to care for their loved one in case the caregiver gets sick.

  • Do not meet friends and family members on visit. Encourage meetings over telephone calls, video conferencing, sharing of photographs through social media, etc.

  • If any routine health check-up is scheduled, the same can be arranged over a phone and a personal visit be made only after the lockdown is lifted off.

  • Unless there is an infection within the old-age home, there is no need of abandoning the home.

  • It is really important to not just sit or lie down all day. They need to move and gets the blood flowing and it is good for overall health. Small exercises and household work can be given to the elderly to keep them involved.

  • During meal times, adequate distance be maintained as advised (1 metre).

Employees :

  • Educate your workforce and communicate regularly with employees.

  • Monitor govt. developments on a daily basis.

  • Appoint a corona virus emergency management team to handle the emergency situation

  • Reinforce good hygiene practices and take related safety precautions.

  • Frequently washing their hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 per cent alcohol.

  • Avoiding touching their eyes, nose and mouth.

  • Covering sneezes or coughs with tissues, if possible, or else with a sleeve or shoulder.

  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick

  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces and objects.

  • Maintain good hygiene and cleanliness of the workplace.

  • Implement physical social distancing – keeping everyone at the workplace physically apart.

  • Actively consider the context of your business, that is, the workplace, the work carried out there, your workers and others who come into the workplace.

  • Take precautions to eliminate or minimise the risk of the people at your workplace contracting COVID-19.

  • Limit contact with others, including through shaking hands, meeting in person, group lunches, etc. Encourage online meetings.

  • Employers must try to reduce the psychological risks to workers and others at the workplace, periodical psychological counselling for vulnerable employees

  • Be update with information from official sources.

  • Provide workers with a point of contact to discuss their concerns and to find workplace information in a central place.

Drivers :

  • Should get their vehicle sanitised/disinfected after each trip.

  • Should not allow anyone to sit close to them.

  • Authorised cab drivers should not allow any passenger to sit on the front seat.

  • Sanitise the hands of passengers before and after entering the vehicle.

  • If driver/helper opens the door for passenger or handles their luggage, they should immediately sanitise their hands.

  • Follow the instructions of police personnel on the route.

  • Don't stop the vehicle at any other place or in market other than at the specified destination(s)

  • Ÿ Driver/helper should wash their hands/take bath and wash their clothes at the end of the day


  • Make sure that the premises are clean and hygienic, and are sanitised frequently.

  • Wipe the surfaces with disinfectant regularly

  • Serve breakfast and food in the rooms. The waiter serving food/breakfast should maintain social distancing.

  • Keep hand rub dispensers and make sure these are regularly refilled.

  • Make sure that everyone employees, employers and guests wash their hands regularly

  • Display signage for hand wash and other warnings.

  • Ensure that tissue papers are available for those with running nose or coughing at work, along with closed bins for hygienic disposal of used tissues.

  • Make provision for 1-1.5 metre distance for guests coming to the reception counter.

  • Any doubtful/suspected person(s) with visible symptoms or those affected by coronavirus should be immediately isolated and the same may be informed to the health department.

  • Keep a logbook of visitors with name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail ID, and collect photo ID and other details

  • Make sure some rooms/area is kept vacant for any emergency situation/ isolation purposes.

  • Must ensure the implementation of government advisories

  • All employees; management and guests should follow social distancing and maintain a distance of at least one metre from each other.

  • No visitors should allow other than those specified in guidelines issued by government authority.

  • No handshaking. Guests and others should be greeted without touching each other.