Solutions To Help It


Even though it may seem hard, anyone could do things to help the giant otters. One way a kid can help giant otters is to donate to foundations such as According to college express, if you see litter, you could pick it up. If litter washes up into a river, and if fish mistake it as food, and become sick, and since giant otter’s diets include mostly of fish, they could get sick and die. So by doing this, you could prevent the giant otter from dying of sickness. These are some ways to save the giant otter.

Another way to save the giant otters is to save the habitat. One way, according to rainforest alliances, is to ask your parents to buy food like bananas and coffee that is grown in a way that is safe for the environment. Another way is to reuse and recycle paper. This way, we won’t have to cut down lots of forests that may include the Amazon rainforest, which is where the giant otter lives in. These are some ways that you can save the habitat, which would then save the giant otters.