Pronunciation lexicons enable you to customize the pronunciation of words. Amazon Polly provides API operations that you can use to store lexicons in an AWS region. Those lexicons are then specific to that particular region. You can use one or more of the lexicons from that region when synthesizing the text by using the SynthesizeSpeech operation. This applies the specified lexicon to the input text before the synthesis begins. For more information, see SynthesizeSpeech.

Common words are sometimes stylized with numbers taking the place of letters, as with "g3t sm4rt" (get smart). Humans can read these words correctly. However, a Text-to-Speech (TTS) engine reads the text literally, pronouncing the name exactly as it is spelled. This is where you can leverage lexicons to customize the synthesized speech by using Amazon Polly. In this example, you can specify an alias (get smart) for the word "g3t sm4rt" in the lexicon.

Amazon Polly Lexicon Download


Phoneme tags are suitable for one-off situations to customize isolated cases, but these are not scalable. If you process huge volume of text, managed by different editors and reviewers, we recommend using lexicons. Using lexicons, you can achieve consistency in adding custom pronunciations and simultaneously reduce manual effort of inserting phoneme tags into the script.

A good practice is that after you test the custom pronunciation on the Amazon Polly console using the tag, you create a library of customized pronunciations using lexicons. Once lexicons file is uploaded, Amazon Polly will automatically apply phonetic pronunciations specified in the lexicons file and eliminate the need to manually provide a tag.

A lexicon file contains the mapping between words and their phonetic pronunciations. Pronunciation Lexicon Specification (PLS) is a W3C recommendation for specifying interoperable pronunciation information. The following is an example PLS document:

With Amazon Polly, you can use PutLexicon to store pronunciation lexicons in a specific AWS Region for your account. Then, you can specify one or more of these stored lexicons in your SynthesizeSpeech request that you want to apply before the service starts synthesizing the text. For more information, see Managing Lexicons.

The xml:lang attribute specifies the language code, en-US, to which the lexicon applies. Amazon Polly can use this example lexicon if the voice you specify in the SynthesizeSpeech call has the same language code (en-US).

Suppose you store these lexicons as w3c and w3cAlternate respectively. If you specify lexicons in order (w3c followed by w3cAlternate) in a SynthesizeSpeech call, the alias for W3C defined in the first lexicon has precedence over the second. To test the lexicons, do the following:

In this post we will continue to explore some of the practical challenges one may run into when working with text to speech applications and look at rich set of features offered by Amazon Polly, like SSML tags, lexicons etc, that could help us address these challenges like handling both SSML and plain text requests, dealing with common abbreviations used in text like "no." but always spoken as "number", adjusting the speech rate for best user experience.

Here is a sample lexicon file for reference, this way you will not need to modify the input using SSML tags for every occurrence of the word, more information can be found about it here _us/polly/latest/dg/gs-put-lexicon.html

As shown in the example screenshot above you may supply multiple lexicon files and they will be evaluated in the order of preference as depicted. Please refer to Applying Multiple Lexicons for more details.

list-lexicons is a paginated operation. Multiple API calls may be issued in order to retrieve the entire data set of results. You can disable pagination by providing the --no-paginate argument.When using --output text and the --query argument on a paginated response, the --query argument must extract data from the results of the following query expressions: Lexicons

Having lexicon would be useful for anyone working with TTS. We still have to use third party tool and insert audio manually, because it is more convenient than defining and editing SSML tags on every slide where our company name is being mentioned . Here is a sample how such lexicon can look like:

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If you want to specify a consistent custom pronunciation or expand an abbreviation without tagging each instance with a phoneme tag, or you are using plain text instead of SSML, Amazon Polly supports lexicons of custom pronunciations. You can apply up to five lexicons of up to 4,000 characters each per language to a narration, though larger lexicons increase the processing time.

The header and tag will stay mostly constant between lexicons, though the tag supports two important arguments. The first, alphabet, lets you choose between x-sampa and ipa, two standard pronunciation alphabets. I prefer x-sampa because it uses standard ASCII characters, so I am unlikely to encounter encoding issues. The xml:lang argument lets you specify language and region. A lexicon is only usable by a voice from that language and region.

Make sure that you have installed and configured the AWS CLI appropriately. Begin by entering aws polly help to make sure that Polly is available and to read a list of supported commands. For troubleshooting, see the documentation.

Amazon Polly offers the ability to use custom lexicons, or vocabularies. According to AWS, you can modify the pronunciation of particular words, such as company names, acronyms, foreign words, and neologisms. If you write industry-specific or highly technical blogs, you will find creating a lexicon is probably necessary to ensure your accompanying audio sounds accurate. In my own technical posts, I most often use a custom lexicon file for acronyms and company names. While many acronyms are spelled out, others are not and have unique pronunciations. Likewise, many company names have a unique pronunciation.

Take for example the following acronyms, which I used in my last few posts: PaaS, BYOL, ELA, PAYG, IPv4, IPv6, IAM, ENI. Using the default lexicon of Amazon Polly, we end up with incorrect pronunciations for all these acronyms.

Amazon Polly may also be used from the AWS CLI or using the AWS SDK. In the example below, we have replicated the same operations performed in the Console, this time using the AWS CLI. First, upload your lexicon file(s) using the polly put-lexicon command. Each lexicon can only be up to 4,000 characters in size. Then call the polly start-speech-synthesis-task command to create a synthesis task.

What are some of the benefits of using SSML especially for my purpose? I imagine that by the looks of it, it would help me not zone out into an ADD trance, and would also help with comprehension and things. Also could it help the pronunciation on words the TTS would otherwise mess-up or would that be lexicons?

Polly synthesizes the text entered into an audio stream. You can provide the input as plain text or in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) format. SSML tags help you control speech output metrics like volume, pitch, and talk rate. For custom pronunciations, Amazon Polly supports lexicons.

Amazon Polly uses high quality voices tuned for a global audience. For particular sentences, words and sounds, the metadata in the synthesized speech audio stream specifies words and through lexicons and speech marks. Audio stream applications use Amazon Polly's fluid pronunciation in content creation, audio-only assets as well as individual services like real time translation.

Amazon Polly is a web service that makes it easy to synthesize speech from text. The Amazon Polly service provides API operations for synthesizing high-quality speech from plain text and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), along with managing pronunciations lexicons that enable you to get the best results for your application domain

The Amazon Polly service provides API operations for synthesizinghigh-quality speech from plain text and Speech Synthesis Markup Language(SSML), along with managing pronunciations lexicons that enable you to getthe best results for your application domain.

This client code is generated automatically. Any modifications will be overwritten the next time the @aws-sdk/client-polly package is updated.To contribute to client you can check our generate clients scripts.

Trinity Audio needed a web audio player that could perform several key functions: converting text to speech (TTS), storing and delivering audio content, resolving pronunciation issues via lexicons, while also enabling publishers to monetize their articles.

The primary role of the API component is to convert the extracted text into audio. However, it goes beyond this function and demonstrates exceptional capabilities including text chunking, text hashing and caching, audio storing and customizing, translation support, voice styling, lexicon and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) support.

Amazon Polly offers the ability to use custom lexicons, or vocabularies. According to AWS, you can modify the pronunciation of particular words, such as company names, acronyms, foreign words, and neologisms.

Amazon Polly is a web service that makes it easy to synthesize speech fromtext. The Amazon Polly service provides API operations for synthesizinghigh-quality speech from plain text and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML),along with managing pronunciations lexicons that enable you to get the bestresults for your application domain.

Deletes the specified pronunciation lexicon stored in an Amazon Web ServicesRegion. A lexicon which has been deleted is not available for speech synthesis,nor is it possible to retrieve it using either the GetLexicon or ListLexiconAPIs. For more information, see Managing Lexicons ( -lexicons.html).

Returns the list of voices that are available for use when requesting speechsynthesis. Each voice speaks a specified language, is either male or female, andis identified by an ID, which is the ASCII version of the voice name. Whensynthesizing speech ( SynthesizeSpeech ), you provide the voice ID for thevoice you want from the list of voices returned by DescribeVoices . For example,you want your news reader application to read news in a specific language, butgiving a user the option to choose the voice. Using the DescribeVoicesoperation you can provide the user with a list of available voices to selectfrom. You can optionally specify a language code to filter the available voices.For example, if you specify en-US , the operation returns a list of allavailable US English voices. This operation requires permissions to perform thepolly:DescribeVoices action. e24fc04721

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