Your house should feel like home.

Totter + Tumble playmats are designed so that your family can be free to take the floor, tumble and toddle, without sacrificing your style, and without adding to your to-do list.

1. Swipe with one-finger for tumble has a slight delay that's quite annoying, and is then overly sensitive. I don't mind the sensitivity, but I don't think most would like it. I can't imagine anyone liking the delay.


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After tumbling with the one finger gesture, if you goto tumbling with the mouse, it's also now tumbling around the centre of the viewport, despite the selection remaining constant throughout all of the above, and having previously tumbled around that selection.

However, another bug... if the viewport is panned prior to making a new selection, with the mouse, the subsequent tumbling (with the mouse) remains around a fixed position in world space, where it started tumbling from during the finger-swipe gesture tumble. So it's entirely possible to move the tumble pivot right out of the viewport. Which is unlikely to be the desired behaviour of most users, most of the time. It'd be rare to ever want this, even rarer to need it to act like this.

// I don't mind the finger swipe tumble setting the tumble pivot to the middle of the viewport. I think that's a good feature shortcut to the problem of getting back to a middle of viewport tumble from selection tumble. I do think it should stay consistently at that point, in relative terms, throughout subsequent panning.

Working in Maya 2022 and I am also experiencing this issue and the frustrating thing is that no matter what I set the tumble options to, if I create another persp camera, it will behave as expected. So...this has to be a bug?

The name is also a bit unfortunate because it makes you think that you could tumble through enemies - maybe even multiple of them - while avoiding AoOs and getting panache. But the name is more a throwback to 1E tumbling and a bit deceptive in 2E.

A far-out reading of Vexing Tumble is that it does allow you to go through enemy spaces. It starts with "You tumble around your foes..." which could be read as pure flavor text. But Paizo is somewhat notorious for blurring the lines between flavor and rules text, to the dismay of players used to for example MtG which uses clear differences in font to divide them. In addition, uses of various skills are sometimes used without capitalization, like instructions to "hide" for example. And "around" could also mean going through someone's space, on the assumption that most creatures don't fully fill their squares.

It's a far-out reading, but if it allowed you to tumble through potentially multiple creatures AND avoid some reactions, that would be actually quite close to the right power level for a level 6 class feat.

Today, the Commission published new EU ecodesign rules to reduce the energy consumption of household tumble dryers and make it easier for them to be repaired. The new rules replace the current ecodesign and will be accompanied by a new energy label that will apply to household tumble dryers placed on the market from 1 July 2025.

Taking into account the latest technological developments, only tumble dryers based on heat pump technology, will be allowed on the market. In addition, the energy label has been modernised and re-scaled from an A+++ to D range to an A to G range. The A class will only apply to the best-in-the-class products, creating an incentive for manufacturers to develop high-performing, energy-efficient appliances. Manufacturers will also have to respect sustainability criteria, which include the obligation to make a list of spare parts available to consumers and repairers, adding another incentive to repair household products instead of disposing of them.

EU rules on ecodesign and energy labelling for household tumble dryers have been in force since 2012 and are proving successful. There are now more heat pumps on the market, largely thanks to the technology that has significantly evolved over the past decade, and the current EU energy labels guiding consumers as well as the energy savings being made by consumers in the light of recent high energy prices and the related energy crisis.

Heat pump dryers are proven to be more energy efficient compared to other technologies. There are around 60 million household dryers in use across the EU today. The adoption of the new rules would help to further accelerate sales of the more energy-efficient heat pump tumble dryers on the market.

Although there is increasing evidence of paternal influence on child outcomes such as language and cognition, researchers are not yet clear on the features of father-child play that are most valuable in terms of child development. Physical play such as rough and tumble play (RTP) is a favored type of father-child play in Western societies that has been linked to children's socioemotional competence. It is important, therefore, to determine the implications of this play for child development. In this review and meta-analysis, associations between father-child physical play and child behavior were examined. The review also focused on study methods. Sixteen studies are reviewed, N = 1,521 father-child dyads, 35% boys. Study characteristics such as definitions of physical play, play settings, play measures, and coding were examined. The meta-analysis found weak to moderate population effects for links between father-child physical play and child aggression, social competence, emotional skills, and self-regulation. Research investigating the effect of father-child physical play on children's development will be improved when definitions clearly identify the nature of play, settings facilitate boisterous play, and measures include frequency and quality of play interactions. This play shows promise as an enhancer of positive father-child relationships and a catalyst for child development.

This free form tumble class is designed for children 7 months of age through 5 yrs. to run, hop, skip, jump, dance & tumble. Our equipment helps to develop balance and coordination while our group parachute games are a great way to interact with others. This class provides children the ability to explore while making new friends in a positive environment.

Toddlers (ages 5 and under) can enjoy the benefits of gross motor movement in the Activities Building gym with tumble equipment. The equipment includes a large mat and 37 pieces of soft-coated module blocks.

Until 30 June 2025, tumble dryers come with an energy label showing their energy efficiency rating in a scale from A+++ to D, with different labels for electric air-vented, gas air-vented and electric condenser appliances.

Ecodesign requirements apply to tumble dryers sold in the EU. These requirements cover energy efficiency, energy consumption in low power modes, condensation efficiency, noise level, product information and resource efficiency requirements.

The new requirements on ecodesign (C/2023/7671), which will apply from 1 July 2025, will only allow the placing on the market of tumble dryers fitting a heat-pump system, which is state-of-the-art technology regarding energy consumption.

Household tumble dryers are subject to EU energy labelling and ecodesign requirements. A heat pump tumble dryer consumes around 3 times less electricity than traditional air-vented or heating element tumble dryers. With the new ecodesign and energy labelling measures applying from July 2025, Europe will be able to save up to 15 TWh of energy by 2040, equivalent to one half of the annual final energy consumption of Cyprus.

A code word may be a helpful tool for children to use to let their friends know when the play needs to stop. Meanwhile, interventions like going over the rules before playtime and frequent check-ins can keep kids feeling good about the play. Check-in can simply be asking if everyone is having fun. With the right guidance from adults, kids can have a great time and reap the many benefits of rough and tumble play.

Rough and tumble play can be physically demanding and therefore linked to exercise of the cardiovascular system. (A game of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. Shredder is excellent cardio!) The physical nature of rough and tumble play means it also increases muscle growth, balance and general physical capacity. These are abilities kids use later when they begin to participate in games with rules and organized sports. e24fc04721

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