Use this free Sunday school lesson on how Jesus calms the storm on the Sea of Galilee from KidsOwn Worship to teach children that Jesus takes care of us. Find more great Sunday school lessons to help kids grow in their faith.

Say: One night after a long day of preaching to the people, Jesus decided to get into a fishing boat with his disciples and go across a sea to the other side. Leaving the crowd behind, Jesus and his friends got into the boat. Point to Group A. When they had sailed to the middle of the sea, a storm began to kick up waves. Point to Group A. The boat rocked back and forth and up and down over the waves. The storm grew stronger and more furious. Group A should be getting louder now.

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Jesus had fallen asleep almost as soon as the boat left the shore. Even though the sea was tossing the boat around, he was still asleep. But his disciples were beginning to get really afraid. Point to Group B. They tried lowering the sail and throwing out the anchor, but nothing worked. Point to Group B. They bailed out the water, but still the storm raged. The boat was close to sinking. Point to Group B.

I run Apache Storm in a cluster and I was looking for ways to stop and/or restart Nimbus, Supervisor and UI. Would writting a servise help? What should I write in this service file and where should I place it? Thank you in advance

Yes, writing a service is the recommended way to run Storm. The commands you want to run are storm nimbus to start Nimbus (minimum 1 per cluster), storm supervisor to run the supervisor (1 per worker machine), storm ui (1 per cluster) and storm logviewer (1 per worker machine). There are other commands you can also run, but you can find these by simply running storm, it will print a list.

These are the storms of life. These are the waves that come crashing into our boat. These are the winds that blow and the waters that threaten. And we ALL go through them. We all deal with our crossing to the other side that goes all wrong.

Why does Jesus allow this? Heck, not only allow it, but actually lead us into it? Jesus knew of the storm the disciples would encounter on the boat that night, and he knew of the storms you would encounter too. Yet, he still allowed you to be right here in this boat to meet the waves.

Our Shelter in Storm Prayer

 Oh God, our Rock, You are our shelter when storms come our way. We are secure, no matter what news we hear of danger. You are our rock and our defense. We will not be alarmed or fearful. When the wind rages around us, we have our safe retreat in You. You alone are our refuge, be ever near us, we pray. Keep us safe through this time. Amen.

Prayer to the One who Rules the Wind

 Jesus, when You walked on earth, You demonstrated Your power over nature. You are the One who walked on water and rebuked the fierce tempest, and at Your command, the wind stopped and a great calm prevailed. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. We put our faith and trust in You when we are assailed by the forces of nature. Thank You for Your protection and care. Amen.

Break the Power of This Storm Prayer

 God, my Protector, I keep my eyes on You, through this furious storm. My soul trusts in You, and I know it will be well. I ask You to protect my home and my family from the elements. I rely on Your grace, Your mercy, and Your love. I ask that You will stretch forth Your hand and break the power of this mighty storm, for the wind and waves still know Your name. Amen.

Calm the Storm to a Whisper Prayer

 Lord, we give thanks to You, for You are good; Your faithful love endures forever. When the winds and the waves rise, and we cringe in terror, we cry out to You in our distress, knowing You can calm the storm to a whisper and still the waves. Please draw near, and be our safety. We praise You for Your great love and the wonderful things You have done for us. Amen.

You Are Our Hiding Place Prayer

 Heavenly Father, You are our hiding place from the storm and the rain. You are our shelter and our covering. We ask You for preservation from this raging tempest. Please keep all those in the path of this storm safe and defend their homes from damage. Bring peace and protection and provision, we ask. Thank You for Your great compassion and mercy for Your children. Amen.

Yeah, I grew up in the Midwest and I dealt with power outages all the time. In the winter, there were blizzards that would knock out power. In the summer, we would have severe storms, sometimes tornadoes that would knock out power, and I would lose power forI dont know, two to three days, sometimes it was only half a day, and I thought I was gonna lose it. Its horrible no matter what the season is because youre freezing in the winter, and its too hot in the summer. And I remember this one blizzard that hit when I was in high school and we lost power for four or five days, and that was the longest that I had ever been without power. And it feltof course, I was, like, a high school girl, so I was very concerned about how I was gonna wash my hair.

Yeah. And I mean, we continue to message how nuclear is critical for climate change, so, you know, nuclear really comes into play addressing the underlying issue of the severe storms that were getting, and were continuing to see it get worse, and it also addresses, you know, how nuclear can power through storms and be there to power recovery. And thats actually something interesting that maybe listeners dont know, but with advanced nuclear, we have small reactors, we have microreactors, and the microreactors, especially, are gonna be very easy to transport, so you put them on ships, you can put them on trucks, and you can take it to places like Puerto Rico where the power is out for an extended period of time and, you know, while youre working to re-set up the grid, you can have these microreactors power communities on their own, so theres a lot of different ways that nuclear plays into this conversation.

Looking closer at the story of the storm in light of this comforts me greatly. Jesus has experienced the same relief of laying in bed after having a day where you are on your feet and are exhausted. Jesus got tired. Jesus did not see rest as supplemental nor did he see it as a reaction to stress. Instead, He saw it as necessary and something to be proactive about.

I believe it is OK for us to challenge God with such questions, because God is powerful to answer. He has shown time and time again His disposition towards us and it is a good one. When the disciples awoke Jesus on the boat in the midst of the storm, He acted swiftly in that case. He stopped the winds and the sea and all was calm, just like that. There are plenty of other instances of Jesus encountering great need around Him and His compassion was endless. When the wine ran out at the wedding in Cana, He showed His care by turning water into wine. When He encountered the Canaanite woman asking for him to help her daughter, He answered the call and made her well.

Come along with me, back several centuries to a ship on a stormy night. So stormy in fact that the ship was filling up with water. Christ Jesus' disciples were agitated and frightened, and went to find their Master. Jesus was asleep on a pillow. The disciples had to wake him up and explain that they were in danger. He got up and "rebuked the wind" and said to the sea, "Peace, be still." The Bible states that there was then "a great calm" (Mark 4:39). And then, he turned to the disciples, as though he simply couldn't understand their mental state, and asked, "Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?"

Jesus told the wind and sea to be peaceful, just as one of us might tell the dog to stop barking. But his real attention went to the disciples' thought. It could be that in his questions to them about their fear and faith, he was actually asking them where they were looking for help and peace. The differences in Jesus's experience and that of his disciples point out that our experience is a direct result of our consciousness.

While Spain is struggling with the largest snowfall since 1971, pv magazine editor Alejandro Diego Rosell has asked two Spanish experts what the consequences of the massive snow loads produced by Storm Filomena will be on solar installations. According to them, some PV systems may stop working completely and component failures may not be excluded.

This storm is going to have a significant impact on a multitude of photovoltaic plants located in communities like Castilla La Mancha, Madrid, Aragn and Castilla Len and is, thus, raising a crucial question: How does snow affect PV performance? e24fc04721


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