Amaya McNealey is a third-year Industrial Engineering Ph.D. student in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. She is advised by Dr. Lauren Steimle and Dr. Gian-Gabriel Garcia.  Her research interests include addressing various clinical and public health issues including health policy and equity using data science/statistics and machine learning. She is especially interested in methodologies that achieve fairness and interpretability. She is currently focused on equitable personalized maternal risk prediction and detecting/explaining trends for opioid-related deaths present in minority populations.

Amaya received her B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from North Carolina A&T State University. While completing her B.S. she participated in an NSF-funded REU: Growing Entrepreneurially-Minded Undergraduate Researchers with New Product Development in Applied Energy where she worked with Dr. Lisa Bosman to justify the need for solar energy monitoring products and explored the effect of solar energy implementation in the healthcare systems of rural countries.

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