For policy makers and stakeholders

2023: Interviews about the Amazon Summit 2023. Le Figaro (French). France Culture (French). IRD (Spanish).

2023: Contribution to the Amazon Summit. Policy Brief of the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA). August 2023. English.

2023: Manaus Declaration for committed and shared research in Amazonia. IRD and Amazonian partners. July 2023. English. Spanish. French. Portugues.

2022: Chapter 5 In Brief: The Physical hydroclimate system of the Amazon. The Amazon Assesment Report. Science Panel for the Amazon - SPA (SDSN – Nations Unies).

2021 : The Amazon Assesment Report. Science Panel for the Amazon - SPA (SDSN – Nations Unies).

2021: Motion 13 of the IUCN Congress: “Protection of Andes-Amazon rivers of Peru: the Marañón, Ucayali, Huallaga and Amazonas, from large-scale infrastructure projects”. Scientific Analysis Briefing. English. Spanish (pg 5-7). French.

2020 : Urgent Action for the Amazon We Want. SPA statement to the UN Biodiversity Summit.

2019 : While denying science, Mr. Bolsonaro’s policies are threatening ecosystem services in Amazonia and the sustainable development of South America. eLetter published in Science.

2019 : An IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems (SRCCL). GIEC, 2019.

El rol de la Amazonía en el clima regional en 10 minutos (in spanish)
